出版时间:2007-3 出版社:江苏南京师范大学 作者:于忠喜主编 页数:155 字数:381000
本套教材共计3册,词汇起点为800词。第一册的重点是基本语法和基本的听、说、读、译的技能训练,第二册、第三册在继续加强听、说、读、译的技能训练和提高语法应用能力的同时,增加套写应用文的训练。教材中的每个单元均根据在国内进行专题涉外活动的实际需要,设计提供了大量的小对话、常用句型、短文和应用文范文,便于学生学习、模仿、套用,使学生真正掌握一些实用英语,最终达到在涉外活动中能举一反三、较为自如运用的目的。本教材在编写过程中力求实用、新颖、简明,强调学用相结合,既突出了成人的特点又兼顾到选材的趣味性。编写者力求能达到所设定的目标。 本教材于2000年7月出版以来已使用了6年之久,因当初编写时间紧迫,编写仓促,存在一些不足和疏漏之处,经研究决定对本教材进行修订。本教材原则上不做大的调整,课文、对话和练习形式基本不变。但对一些明显过时、错误之处进行撤换或改正,更加注重语言表达是否流畅、地道和语言的时效性;对练习中个别较难的句子适当修改降低难度;短语动词练习中删去“教学基本要求”的词汇表中没有的短语动词,另外将练习的形式由原来的填空改为选择填空(即在每题后加两个短语动词);对话填空练习中要求填入的英文部分现用中文标出,让学生翻译成英文填入,降低了难度,在修订时更加注重功能性的语言结构和习惯表达方式,尽量练习本单元所列出的一些表达方式。
Unit I Busy Tempo of Modern Life I. Working on Information Dialogues A. Is Life a Race? B. How to Cope with Stress? Passage Stress Consumes Modern Lives II. Using Words and Expressions III. Integrated Listening and Speaking IV. Grammar Project 分词结构做后置定语( Participle Phrases as Post-modifiers ) V. Language Practice VI. Practical Writing 商务传真 (Business Faxes ) VII. Supplementary Reading 10 Ways to Let the Sun Shine inUnit 2 Wedding Customs I .Working on Information Dialogues A. Should They Get Married? B. They Are Breading up Passage Wedding Customs and Superstitions II. Using Words and Expressions III. Integrated Listening and Speaking IV. Grammar Project "it"做形式主语或形式宾语 ("It" as Formal Subject or Object) V. Language Practice VI. Practical Writing 祝贺信(Letters of Congratulation) VII. Supplementary Reading Fewer Americans than Ever GettinqUnit 3 Advantages orE-mail I. Working on Information Dialogues A. Personal Computers B. On-line Courses Passage Advantages of E-mail II. Using Words and Expressions III. Integrated Listening and Speaking IV. Grammar Project 主谓一致 (Subject-verb Concord) V. Language Practice VI. Practical Writing 申请信 ( Letters of Application ) VII. Supplementary Reading Disadvantages of E- mailUnit 4 Child Education I. Working on Information Dialogues How to Become Effective Parents? Passage Three Types of Parents II. Using Words and Expressions III. Integrated Listening and Speaking IV. Grammar Project 非限制性定语从句( Non-restrictive Attributive Clauses ) V. Language Practice VI. Practical Writing 欢迎词与欢送词(Welcoming Speeches and Farewell Speeches) VII. Supplementary Reading Tell Your Children You Love Them TooUnit 5 Travelling I. Working on Information Dialogues A. Taking, a Vacation B. It's an Interesting to Nanjing Passage A Foreigner's Vist to Nanjing II. Using Words and Expressions ……Unit 6 HousingUnit 7 Electrnic CommerceUnit 8 Violence