
出版时间:2009-2  出版社:北京体育大学出版社  作者:温宇红  页数:165  


随着我国综合国力的不断增强,我国的体育竞赛水平也日益提高,我国与世界运动组织之间的交流也越来越多,在我国举行的国际体育赛事也越来越频繁。2008年奥运会在北京举办,是北京和全中国向世界展示自己五千年文明古国的独特魅力和改革开放伟大成果的大舞台。    本教程以国际泳联的游泳竞赛规则为基础,以英汉双语的形式对国际泳联的游泳竞赛规则、成人游泳竞赛规则、公开水域游泳竞赛规则进行介绍。为便于读者理解和运用规则,特增加了重点词汇解释以及练习题,帮助读者自学和自我检测学习效果。     本教程不仅适合于体育院校游泳项目的本科、专科和研究生使用,还适合于游泳竞赛组织者和裁判员、教练员进行自学。




CHAPTER 1  FINA SWIMMING RULES 2005 -2009SW1  MANAGEMFNT OF COMPETITONS  Part One  Rules in English  Part Two  Rules in Chinese  Part Three  Key Words and Expressions  Part Four  ExercisesSW2  OFFICIALS  Part One  Rules in English  Part Two  Rules in Chinese  Part Three  Key Words and Expressions  Part Four  ExercisesSW3  SEEDING OF HEATS, SEMI- FINALS AND FINALS  Part One  Rules in English  Part Two  Rules in Chinese  Part Three  Key Words and Expressions  Part Four  ExercisesSW4  THE START  Part One  Rules in English  Part Two  Rules in Chinese  Part Three  Key Words and Expressions  Part Four  ExercisesSW5  FREESTYLE  Part One  Rules in English  Part Two  Rules in Chinese  Part Three  Key Words and Expressions  Part Four  ExercisesSW6  BACKSTROKE  Part One  Rules in English  Part Two  Rules in Chinese  Part Three  Key Words and Expressions  Part Four  ExercisesSW7  BREASTSTROKE  Part One  Rules in English  Part Two  Rules in Chinese  Part Three  Key Words and Expressions  Part Four  ExercisesSW8  BUTTERFLY  Part One  Rules in English  Part Two  Rules in Chinese  Part Three  Key Words and Expressions  Part Four  ExercisesSW9  MEDLEY SWIMMING  Part One  Rules in English  Part Two  Rules in Chinese  Part Three  Key Words and Expressions  Part Four  ExercisesSW10  THE RACE  Part One  Rules in English  Part Two  Rules in Chinese  Part Three  Key Words and Expressions  Part Four  ExercisesSW11  TIMING  Part One  Rules in English……SW12  WORLD RECORDSSW13  AUTOMATIC  OFFICIATING PROCEDURECHAPTER 2  FINA OPEN WATER SWlMMING RULES 2005-2009 OWS 1  DEFINITIONSOWS 2  OFFICIALSOWS 3  DI TTIES OF OFFICIALS0WS 4  THE sTARTOWS 5  THE VENUEOWS 6  THE RACEOWS 7  THE FINISH OF THE RACECHAPTER 3  FINA MASTERS RULES 2005-2009(SELECTED)MASTERS  SWIMMING RULESMASTERS  OPEN WATER SWIMMING RULESCHAPTER 4  FINA FACILITIES RULES 2005-2009 (SELECTED)PREAMBLE AND FR1 GENERALFR2  SWIMMMING POOLSFR3  SWIMMING POOLS FOR OLYMPIC GAMES AND WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPSFR4  AUTOMATIC OFFICIATING EQUIPMENT附录


插图:SW If four or more heats, the last three heats of the e-vent shall be seeded in accordance with SW above. The heatpreceding the last three heats shall consist of the next fastest swim-mers; the heat preceding the last four heats shall consist of the nextfastest swimmers, etc. Lanes shall be assigned in descending order ofsubmitted times within each heat, in accordance with the pattern out-lined in SW 3.1.2 below.SW Exception: When there are two or more heats inan event, there shall be a minimum of three swimmers seeded into anyone preliminary heat, but subsequent scratches may reduce the num-ber of swimmers in such heat to less than three.SW 3.1.2 Except for 50 meter events in 50 meter pools, as- signment of lanes shall be ( number 1 lane being on the right side of the pool when facing the course from the starting end) by placing the fastest swimmer or team in the centre lane in pool with an odd number of lanes, or in lane 3 or 4 respectively in pools having 6 or 8 lanes. The swimmer having the next fastest time is to be placed on his left, then alternating the others to right and left in accordance with the submitted times. Swimmers with identical times shall be assigned their lane positions by draw within the aforesaid pattern.





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  •   此書內容很實在,對希望真正瞭解游泳競賽規則的肯定很有幫助,而且價錢實惠,才十二元,經當當網購才十元三角。但如果從專業的角度而言,恐怕內容還得充實加強。

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