出版时间:2009-8 出版社:河北大学出版社 作者:尹洪山 页数:217
本书是尹洪山博士在他的博士论文基础上撰写的一部有关二语习得的专著。本书的独特之处和创新在于结合了语用学和语篇分析的理论,对中国英语学习者前置句法习得中的语用制约进行了实证研究。虽然我不是二语习得领域的专家,但对作者将功能主义语言学理论应用于语言习得研究的做法颇加赞赏,因而乐意将本书推介给语言学研究和二语习得研究的爱好者。 尹洪山博士于2004年考入山东大学外国语学院攻读博士学位,师从王守元教授。王教授是二语习得和文体学领域的专家,早年在英国爱丁堡大学师从H.G.Widdowson专修文体学,并深受著名应用语言学家Pit Corder。的影响,后来在美国专攻二语习得研究,并获得博士学位。令人痛心的是,王教授于2004年因病去世,这无疑是我国外语界的一大损失。尹洪山后来转到了我的门下,经过三年的寒窗苦读,出色地完成了博士论文的研究和撰写,顺利毕业。尹洪山博士的出色表现没有辜负王守元教授生前的期望。
英语的前置句式具有句法和语用两个方面的制约因素,但在以往的语序习得研究中,后者的作用并没有受到足够的重视。本书以语篇信息结构为切入点,从句法和语用的接口层面对这一问题进行了定量和定性的研究,为二语句法习 得研究提供了新的视角。
序前言List of Abbreviations Chapter One Introduction 1.1 The concept of preposin9 1.2 Typological features of preposing 1.3 Significance of the research 1.4 Organization of the thesis 1.5 SummaryChapter Two Literature Review 2.1 Context and felicity 2.2 Information status in preposing 2.2.1 Information structure 2.2.2 Topic preposin9 2.2.3 Focus preposin9 2.3 Discourse functions of preposing 2.4 Discourse functions of Left—dislocation and invers 2.5 Preposing in cross—linguistic perspectives 2.5.1 Subject and topic in Chinese 2.5.2 Preposing in Chinese NP preposing VP and AP preposings 2.6 Issues in the acquisition of L2 word order 2.6.1 The role of Ll transfer Changing views of Language transfer. Transfer in L2 word-order patterns 2.6.2 Universalist account 2.6.3 Cognitive approaches General nativism and the Competition The Processability Theory 2.7 Limitations of the previouS Studies 2.8 SummaryChapter Three Theoretical Framework 3.1 The Topic Acceptability Scale 3.2 Pragmatic constraints on preposing 3.2.1 Linking relations in preposing 3.2.2 Constraints on VP and AP preposings. 3.2.3 Constraints on focalization 3.3 A general model for the present research 3.4 Objectives of the study 3.5 SummaryChapter Four Pragmatic Effects on the Acceptabil of Preposing in Interlanguage Gram 4.1 Research questions 4.2 Methodology 4.3 Participants 4.4 InstrUments ……Chapter Five Pragmatic Effects on Response Times to PreposingChapter Six Strategy Choice in Processing PreposingsChapter Seven General DisussionChapter Eight ConclusionBibliographyAppendix Ⅰ Judgment Test AAppendix Ⅱ Judgment Test BAppendix Ⅲ Judgment Test CAppendix Ⅳ Think-alound TestAcknowledgements
2.3Discourse functions of preposing Although English word order has often been described asfixed, it is possible for speakers to vary the core elements of theclause to achieve certain discourse functions (Biher et al. , 2000;Hendriks, 2004). The marked placement of core elements suchas preposing, left-dislocation and inversion serves various needsof communication. This section will be specially concerned withhow preposing constructions are employed for discourse purpo-ses. As a type of noncanonical word order, preposing construc-tions in English are syntactically marked, with a rather low fre-quency in discourse. However, this markedness does not denyits unique functions in organizing information units and establis-hing linking relations between discourse entities. As is argued byHalliday and Hasan (1976), the coherence of a discourse maydepend on its component propositions related to each other in oneway or another. It follows that in a coherent discourse the infor-mation conveyed in the current utterance generally draws on theinformation that is already present in the discourse.For in-stance, Birner and Ward (1998: 20) discuss discourse coherencefrom the perspective of information links.