
出版时间:2009-6  出版社:河北大学出版社  作者:王振亚  页数:349  


本书是在给外国语言学及应用语言学专业的硕士研究生开设的语言测试课程讲义的基础上编写而成。本书主要分为三个部分。第一部分(第2—5章)介绍、评价主要的现代语言测试模型,包括心理测量学一结构主义语言测试模型、综合语言测试模型、交际语言运用测试模型,以及Bachman的语言测试模型。第二部分(第6—12章)介绍、简单评价词汇、语法结构、听力理解、阅读理解、口语、写作测试的主要方法以及语言测试的构卷与实施。第三部分(第13—15章)介绍与测试及测试研究相关的数据统计方法。        本书的目标读者是外国语言学及应用语言学专业的硕士研究生、英语教师、英语专业的师范生及其他对语言测试感兴趣的人士,力求为初次涉猎语言测试专业领域的目标读者全面介绍语言测试的基本理论概念、实践方法和研究手段。本书用英语编写的目的是为目标读者阅读语言测试的英语文献打下基础。




Chapter 1  Fundamentals and types of tests   Ⅰ.Fundamentals of tests   Ⅱ.Types of tests Chapter 2 The psychometric—structuralist approach to language testing  Ⅰ.Introduction   Ⅱ.A graphic and verbal presentation of the psychometricstructuralist approach to language testing  Ⅲ.Evaluating this approach Chapter 3 The integrative approach t0 language testing  Ⅰ.The background  Ⅱ.The unitary competence hypothesis   Ⅲ.A graphic and verbal presentation of the approach  Ⅳ.Cloze tests   Ⅴ.Dictation  Ⅵ.The evaluation of this approach Chapter 4 Communicative performance testing  Ⅰ.The background  Ⅱ.Carroll’S model  Ⅲ.McNamara’S model   Ⅳ.Evaluating communicative performance testing Chapter 5 Bachman’S language testing model  Ⅰ.The background   Ⅱ.Communicative language ability   Ⅲ.Test methods   Ⅳ.Comments on Bachman’S model  Chapter 6 Testing vocabulary  Ⅰ.Some terms   Ⅱ.Selection of test words   Ⅲ.Item types  Ⅳ.Advice on the writing of multiple—choice items   Ⅴ.Some new trends in vocabulary testing Chapter 7 Testing grammatical structures  Ⅰ.General nature of the ESL structure tests   Ⅱ.Determination of test content   Ⅲ.Item types  Ⅳ.Advice on item writing  Chapter 8 Testing listening skills  Ⅰ.A general introduction   ……Chapter 9 Testing reading comprehensionChapter 10 Testing speaking skillsChapter 11 Testing writing skillsChapter 12 The construction and administration of testsChapter 13 Interpreting test resultsChapter 14 ReliabilityChapter 15 ValidityBibliography



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  •   It's a wonderful book that is helpful for fu***e teachers
  •   语言比较简单易懂
  •   该书理论性相对较强,实用性一般!

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