
出版时间:2008-5  出版社:河北大学出版社  作者:刘宝权  页数:207  


  探讨跨文化交际能力测试的相关问题。《语言测试与跨文化交际能力研究的接口》从描写国内文化教学与测试现状入手,介绍了近年来国内外文化测试发展的善,并对各种测试方法的形式、特点、优劣及其使用范围作了较全面的分析。在此基础上,作者提出了自己的文化测试模式。与些同时,文化测试大纲相应也相应面生 。


Figure 2.1 Components of language competenceFigure 2.2 Histogram of IDI scoresFigure 4.1 Wens model of cross-cultural competenceFigure 4.2 A tentative model of communicative competenceFigure 4.3 A tentative model of language competenceFigure 4.4 The histogram of the distribution of the culture test scoresFigure 4.5 The histogram of distribution of TEM 4 scoresFigure 4.6 Correlations between culture test scores and TEM 4 scores in scattered graphFigure 4.7 Correlations between culture test scores and writing scores in scattered graphFigure 4.8 Correlations between culture test scores and dictation scores in scattered graphFigure 4.9 Correlations between culture test scores and listening scores in scattered graphFigure 4.10 Correlations between culture test scores and cloze scores in scattered graphFigure 4.11 Correlations between culture test scores and grammar & vocabulary scores in scattered graphFigure 4.12 Correlations between culture test scores and reading scores in scattered graph


  1.1 Fundamentals of the study  Within communicative language teaching, culture has clearly taken on a role of increasing importance in second and foreign language classrooms in recent years. The assessment of culture learning, however, has essentially been neglected. Although the systematic study of culture began as early as the nineteenth century when anthropology shifted its focus to the research of cultural origin, psychology, thought patterns and value systems (Tylor, 1903), the inclusion of cultural content in Foreign Language Teaching and Testing is only a recent trend. Around the mid of the twentieth century when foreign language teaching was dominated by structure-oriented methods, Fries (1945)and Lado (1957), the two American language teaching experts, maintained that culture plays a very significant role in language education and culture difference should be fully considered and culture contrast should be deeply analyzed. Hymes (1972) launched an attack on Chomskys definitions of "competence" and "performance. " He, based on those criticisms on Chomskys "competence" and "performance,"put forward the well-known term "communicative competence," recognizing a more important role of socio-cuItural factors. In describing a theoretical framework for specifying an individuals communicative competence in a second language, Munby (1978) includes "socio-cultural orientation" (contextual appropriacy and communicative needs) in his theory. Canale & Swain (1980), examining the theoretical bases of language teaching and language testing, distinguish "grammatical competence," which includes lexis, morphology, sentencegrammar semantics, and phonology, from "soeio-linguistic competence. "




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