
出版时间:2006-4  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:布利斯  页数:115  


该教材四册共五十课,几乎覆盖了英语语法的所有要点,从最基本的动词to be到动词wish后面从句中的虚拟式,而这五十个语法要点又分别和五十种常用的交际策略一一挂抅,在各种交际情景中得到操练和运用。这是本套装血本无归了主要的优点。在抓住语法—交际这条主线的同时,编者对他的语言能力也没有忽略,每一课都有听力、阅读、发音这些组成部分,可见编者对学生语言能力的训练有较全面的考虑。每隔三课出现的一期的“公报”(Gazette)则以灵活、多样的形式为学生提供了富含文化信息的阅读材料。  一种教材能不能得到认可,能不能受到欢迎,在很大程度上取决于教师认为这套教材是否好教,但它的编排十分清晰,每一课的几个主要构成板块一目了然,十分便于教师使用,和有些进口教材过于花哨的编排相比,这应该说是它的另一优点。


1   1.1 Personal Idntification  1.2 What’s Missing?  1.3 The Students in My English Class  1.4 Personal Information Gane 2   2.1 Classroom Objects  2.2 What’s Diffirent About These Classrooms?  2.3 At Home   2.4 Where’s George?  2.5 People at Home   2.6 Places Around Town  2.7 People Around Town3   3.1 What Are They Doing?  3.2 Nouns & Pronous  3.3 Where’s Walter?  3.4 What’s Different About the Clark  3.5 A Day in the Park4   4.1 Busy People   4.2 What’s Different About These People & Places?  4.3 At Home & At School Game 5   5.1 What’s the Adjivtive?  5.2 Find the Right Person!  5.3 How’s the Weather?  5.4 Weather & Adjective Game 6  6.1 Family Members   6.2 Who,Where,& What?  6.3 What’s Different About These Weddings   6.4 What’s Different About These Birthday Parties?  6.5 The Johnson Family  6.6 Who Am I?7   7.1 The Buildings in Greenville  7.2 Build Your Own Town!  7.3 What’s THE Same & What’s Different About These Neighbrhoods?  7.4 The Apartment on Main Street  7.5 Karen’s Kitchen & Her Office  7.6 Places Around Town Game 8  8.1 Clothes Shopping   8.2 What’s Different About These People?  8.3 Rita’s Room & Richard’s Room  8.4 Blake’s Department Store  8.5 Clothing & Colors Game 9   9.1 People Around the World Game   9.2 Find the Righe Person!  9.3 Mystery People!10  10.1 Stella’s International Restarurant  10.2 Jill & Bill  10.3 What Do You Like?  10.4 Everyday Interests & Actions Game11   11.1 How Often?  11.2 We’re Different!  11.3 What’s the Difference Between Tim & Tom?  11.4 Two Sisters12  12.1 Guess the Feeling or Emotion!  12.2 Two Different Days in Tylerville   12.3 Feelins & Emotions Game 13  13.1 What Can You Do?  13.2 What’s the Occupation?  13.3 What’s Your Occupation?  13.4 The Best Babysitter  13.5 Ability & Oblgations Game 14  14.1 Plans for Tomorrow  14.2 Emily’s Busy Day   14.3 What’s the Forecast?  14.4 Fred’s Important Day   14.5 What’s My Future?15  15.1 What’s My Ailment?  15.2 What’s Did You Say?  15.3 What’s Your Ailment   15.4 Yesterday at the Harrisons’16  16.1 What Did I Do?  16.2 What Did You Do Yesterday?  16.3 Beverly’s Busy Day   16.4 Carl’s Crazy Dsy   16.5 Ailments & Actions Game17  17.1 What’s the Opposite?  17.2 Whtere Were You?  17.3 When My Friends Were Young  17.4 Chyildhood Memories  17.5 Describe it!Game AppendixActivity Masters Game Index


  《朗文国际英语教程》是亚洲地区畅销逾800万册的美式英语教程。该套教材以交际对话为主线,注重语言知识和交际能力的协调发展,辅以其他各项技能的综合训练。该套教材共四册五十课,几乎覆盖了英语语法的所有要点,从最基本的动词to be到动词wish后面从句中的虚拟式,而这五十个语法要点又分别和五十种常用的交际策略一一挂钩,在各种交际情景中得到操练和运用。本书为课堂活动第一册,体系清晰明了,具有很强的可读性。



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用户评论 (总计10条)


  •   因为没有教师用书 才买的这本 还是会有帮助的
  •   提供了一些可以采用的活动方式,不错。就是有些活动还是不太实用。
  •   书很好,适合初一的孩子阅读拓展
  •   很好。挺实用。
  •   书不错呢,用得人很喜欢。
  •   很不错哦。都是英文的。我买完就打折了。。我。。。
  •   内容很丰富 有待进一步研究
  •   zhebenshuzongtilaishuohaishibucuode
  •   全英文的,看起来有点头大。有点像教师用书啊。
  •   仅对教师组织课堂活动有用,不推荐个人购买

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