
出版时间:2005-6-1  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:张春柏  页数:253  


  随着改革开放的日趋深入,社会各界对外语人才的需求持续增长,我国英语专业的招生规模逐年扩大,教学质量不断提高。英语专业本科生教育的改革、学科建设及教材的出版亦取得了巨大的成绩,先后出版了一系列在全国有影响的精品教材。2工世纪的到来对英语人才的培养提出了更高的标准,同时也为学科建设和教材编写提出了新的要求。随着中国加入世界贸易组织,社会需要的不是仅仅懂英语的毕业生,而是思维科学、心理健康、知识面广博、综合能力强,并能熟练运用英语的高素质的专门人才。由于中学新的课程标准的颁布,中学生英语水平逐年提升,英语专业本科生入学时的基础和综合素质也相应提高。此外,大学英语(公外)教育的迅猛发展,学生英语能力的提高,也为英语专业学生的培养提出了严峻的挑战和更新更高的要求。这就规定了2工世纪的英语教学不是单纯的英语培训,而是英语教育,是以英语为主体,全面培养高素质的复合型人才。教材的编写和出版也应顺随这种潮流。  为了迎接时代的挑战,作为我国最大的外语教材和图书出版基地之一的上海外语教育出版社(外教社)理应成为外语教材出版的领头羊。在充分调研的基础上,外教社及时抓住机遇,于新世纪之初约请了全国25所主要外语院校和教育部重点综合大学英语院系的50多位英语教育家,在上海召开了“全国高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材编写委员会会议”。代表们一致认同了编写面向新世纪教材的必要性、可行性和紧迫性,并对编写思想、教材构建、编写程序等提出了建议和要求。而后,外教社又多次召开全国和上海地区的专家、学者会议,撰写编写大纲、确定教材类别、选定教材项目、讨论审核样稿。经过一年多的努力,终于迎来了第一批书稿。  这套系列教材共分语言知识和语言技能、语言学与文学、语言与文化、人文科学、测试与教学法等几个板块,总数将超过工50余种,可以说几乎涵盖了当前我国高校英语专业所开设的全部课程。编写内容深入浅出,反映了各个学科领域的最新研究成果;编写体例采用国家最新有关标准,力求科学、严谨,满足各门课程的具体要求;编写思想上,除了帮助学生打下扎实的语言基本功外,还着力培养学生分析问题、解决问题的能力,提高学生的人文、科学素养,培养健康向上的人生观,使学生真正成为我国2工世纪所需要的外语专门人才。


  本系列教材不仅能满足21世纪英语人才培养的需要,其前瞻性、先进性和创新性也为外语乃至其他学科教材的编写开辟了一条新的思路、拓展一片新的视野。理念新颖:培养高素质、复合型外语创新人才为理念;特色鲜明:将人文、科学知识融入教材;体系完备:覆盖知识、技能、文化等科目,总数超过150种;阵容强大:全国30余所著名高校百余位英语教育专家编写。“新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材?综合教程”是为全国英语专业本科一二年级学生编写的英语基础课教材。  全套共分四册,本书为第二册,供英语专业一年级第二学期使用。  本册课文内容广泛,涉及文化与教育、政治与经济、战争与和平、道德与伦理、婚姻与家庭、爱情与亲情、科技与生活、知识与智慧等主题,使学生在学习英语的同时,扩展个人视野,提高人文素养。


UNIT 1TEXT Ⅰ My Fathres ShadowTEXT Ⅱ My New Mum Is…My DadUNIT 2TEXT Ⅰ The Teddy Stoddard StoryTEXT Ⅱ The Forbidden FruitsUNIT 3TEXT Ⅰ My Stroke of LuckTEXT Ⅱ A New Attitude to GratitudeUNIT 4TEXT Ⅰ Me and My Big MouthTEXT Ⅱ Sams Wake-Up Call-and MineUNIT 5TEXT Ⅰ Friends for LifeTEXT Ⅱ Do This and You Will Be Welcome AnywhereUNIT 6TEXT Ⅰ “Weve Been Hit!”TEXT Ⅱ Rethinking SkyscrapersUNIT 7TEXT Ⅰ The Virtues of Growing OlderTEXT Ⅱ Closing the GapUNIT 8TEXT Ⅰ Fourteen StepsTEXT Ⅱ The Power of BeliefUNIT 9TEXT Ⅰ The Diary of the Unknown SoldierTEXT Ⅱ Life Goes OnUNIT 10TEXT Ⅰ Gregory Peck-An American MasterTEXT Ⅱ Unforgettable Ingrid BergmanUNIT 11TEXT Ⅰ Letter to a B StudentTEXT Ⅱ Collgeg PressuresUNIT 12TEXT Ⅰ Time to Take It EsayTEXT Ⅱ Less Work Is the Secret to a Richer LifeUNIT 13TEXT Ⅰ Focus on Global WarmingTEXT Ⅱ The Villain in the AtumosphereUNIT 14TEXT Ⅰ The Jeaning of AmericaTEXT Ⅱ Happy Birthday to YouUNIT 15TEXT Ⅰ Should a Public Worker Accetp Costly Giftfs?TEXT Ⅱ Bribery-An Inevitable Evil?UNIT 16TEXT Ⅰ Open the Door to ForgivenessTEXT Ⅱ Forgiveness


  Chain stores have been developing rapidly in China during the past few years and taking hold.of ever.increasing retail(零售)mar.ket share an official survey indicates. The State Economic and Trade Commission(SETC)survey shows that th.e annual sales volume of China’s 20 biggest chains leapt last:year by 43 percent and the number of their retail stores rose by 46.7 percent,while sales for the whole retail market grew by 10.1 percent。Shanghai Lian Hua Supermarket Company holds the top position with 14.06 billion yuan(US$1.7 billions)in sales and 1225.retail stores  The statistics indicate that the biggest stores are swallowing more market share leaving little development space for medium and small stores said analysts(分析家). Analysts also note that almost all the giant chains have their headquarters in East China but they are likely to explore western regions in the near future.With China’s entrance into the World Trade Organization its market is attracting overseas retailers too.The country is committed to opening gradually its retail business,and、as a result more chain stores from outside China will have a share of the pie.Successful domestic、retailers are preparing to battle for market share.Shops like Hua Lian and Guo Mei,a giant home appliance distributor in Beijing,have announced ambitious plans for development.




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