出版时间:2005-8 出版社:上海外教 作者:邹申 页数:180 字数:282000
2000年出版的《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》指出,“在注意听、说、读、写、译各项技能全面发展的同时,更应该突出说、写、译能力的培养”。同时大纲又提出“注重培养跨文化交际能力”以及“加强学生思维能力和创新能力的培养”。 根据大纲的精神和要求,本系列教程旨在通过科学的教育方法,系统地教授写作知识,使学生在完成英语专业课程时掌握必要的写作知识及技巧,具备大纲所规定的写作能力。 本系列教程旨在编写上突出教学方法的科学性、教学内容的系统性、连贯性、时代性及趣味性,并做到三个相结合:写作知识的教授与写作能力的培养相结合,写作能力的培养与跨文化交际能力的培养相结合,写作能力的培养与学生思维能力和创新能力的培养相结合。 本系列教程在教学内容安排和教学活动设计上采用循序渐进、循环往复的方式,强调各分册之间的延续性和系统性,即各分册既有相对的教学重点和独立性,又与其他分册构成一个完整的写作教学体系。除学生用书外,本系列教程还配备教师用书。 本系列教程包括以下四册: 第一册 使用阶段:一年级第二学期 教学目标:学生在学完该册后,能正确理解和掌握英语句子成分与结构以及词汇用法,并能够 按照不同要求正确写出英语句子;能改写或缩写课文内容,并能正确写出150个单 词左右的短文;能正确书写便条和通知等应用文;能正确运用标点符号。 教学安排:本册共10个单元。每周2节课,每两周上一个单元。 第二册 使用阶段:二年级第一、二学期 教学目标:学生在学完该册后,能正确理解和掌握英语段落的写作知识与技巧,并能够按照要求写出不同体裁的段落;能根据作文题目、提纲或图表、数据等写出各种类型的短文(200单词左右);能正确书写便条和通知等应用文。 教学安排:本册共工8单元。每周2节课,每两周上一个单元。
新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材是普通高等教育“十五”国家级规划教材。本系列教材不仅能满足21世纪英语人才培养的需要,其前瞻性、先进性和创新性也为外语乃至其他学科教材的编写开辟了一条新的思路、拓展一片新的视野。 ★ 理念新颖:培养高素质、复合型外语创新人才为理念; ★ 特色鲜明:将人文、科学知识融入教材; ★ 体系完备:覆盖知识、技能、文化等科目,总数超过150种; ★ 阵容强大:全国30余所著名高校百余位英语教育专家编写。 “新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材·写作教程”共四册,配有教师用书。本教程在编写上突出教学方法的科学性、教学内容的系统性、连贯性、时代性及趣味性;教学内容安排和教学活动采用循序渐进、循环往复的方式,强调各分册之间的连续性和系统性。 本书为写作系列第一册,共10个单元,每单元包括Warm-up activities、Focus、Grammar、Writing、Follow-up exercises五个部分。单元设计融合国内外先进的写作教学模式,强调写作过程的教学,积极鼓励学生参与课堂教学,培养学生获取知识的能力、运用知识的能力、分析问题的能力、独立提出见解的能力和创新的能力。
1 The Correct Word2 The Appropriate Word3 The Better Word4 Sentence Base5 Expanded Sentence Base(I)6 Expanded Sentence Base(II)7 Joining Sentences Together(I)8 Joining Sentences Together(II)9 Sentence Variety10 PunctuationAppendixReferences
f. Peter and Leonard use__________fishing rods. (each others/each others) g. I dont know________you are. (who/whom) h. The only hope for________citizens is to elect Mr Johnson as our mayor. (we/us) i. To_________is the telegraph addressed? (who/whom) j._________like sport;others like music. (some/someone) k. One should serve_________country wholeheartedly. (ones/their) l. No one is so sure of____________future. (his/their) m. Someone has left__________bag on the counter. (his/their) n. Everyone decorates__________home in________own style. (his/their) 6. Rewrite the following paragraphs, using a consistent presiding pronoun or point ofview. a.We are all born into this world as equals, but for various reasons, not all peopleare treated as equals. This inequality begins when you reach the age of five, for thisis when you will enter elementary school. In school, the child is no longer"Mammys little darling." You now have to prove yourself to the other children andalso to your teacher. If one seems different from the other students, they are trea-ted differently, and these differences could be anything, pants, shoes, speech, reli-gion; and so forth. Right from the start, you think that as long as you are differ-ent, there is something wrong with you. b.There are those whoassume that since one cannot see, one obviously cannothear. Very often people will talk with you at the top of their lungs, uttering eachword very carefully. On the other hand, people will also often whisper, assumingthat since my eyes dont work, my ears dont either. For example, when you go tothe airport and ask the ticket agent for assistance to the plane, he or she will invari-ably pick up the phone, call a ground hostess and whisper, "Hi, Jane, weve got a 76 here." I have concluded that the word "blind" is not used for one of two reasons:either one fears that if the dread word is spoken, the ticket agents retina will de-tach, or one is reluctant to inform you of your condition of which you may not havebeen previously aware. 7. Write a note for each of the following situations. a. Write to the Chief Librarian of your university library about the loss of a book youhave borrowed. b. Write to your roommate, telling him/her about an interesting lecture in the eve-ning.
理念新颖:培养高素质、复合型外语创新人才为理念; 特色鲜明:将人文、科学知识融入教材; 体系完备:覆盖知识、技能、文化等科目,总数超过150种; 阵容强大:全国30余所著名高校百余位英语教育专家编写。