出版时间:2005-6 出版社:上海外语教育出版社 作者:琼斯 页数:133
《大学英语基础口语教程2(教师用书)》(Let’s Talk)是外教社与英国剑桥大学出版社合作出版的一套美式英语口语教材,旨在提高学习者的英语听说能力,兼顾其他语言技能和知识的培养与习得,与国家教育部最新颁布的《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》中指出的“培养学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力”的大学英语教学目标相吻合。 本教程共分三级,由学生用书(含自学CD)、教师用书(含课堂教学CD)和测试手册(含录音CD)组成,另有课堂教学磁带,并配有网站支持,既可用于我国大学英语听说课或口语课教学,也可用作提高英语听说能力的自学或培训教材。 以培养学生的口语表达能力为目标,兼顾学习者听、读、写等技能的全面培养;单元设计以主题为中心,适合运用交际法的教学方法;题材广泛,内容贴近生活,容易激发学生学习兴趣; 课文编写独具匠心,多种形式的语言输入为学习者的语言输出作好铺垫;录音真实自然,有助于学生使用真实场景的语言交际;专门设置课外听力训练,帮助学生提高听力水平;内容新颖,编写科学,制作精美,配套齐全,是一套高质量的多媒体立体化教材。
Author's acknowledgmentsIntroductionUnit 1 Getting to know youA What kind of person are you?B Breaking the iceUnit 2 Getting to know nore about youA Making a good impressionB Getting personalUnit 3 Food and cookingA How do you cook that?B Going out to eatUnit 4 RelationshipsA FamiliesB FriendsUnit 5 Earning a livingA Nine to fiveB The movie industryUnit 6 Leisure timeA What do you enjoy doing?B If I had more time……Unit 7 Games and sportsA Playing and watching sportsB How about a game?Unit 8 Travel and transportationA Going placesB On the roadUnit 9 Vacation timeA What's it like there?B Before you go Unit 10 Modern inventionsA Usful thingsB Great ideas?Unit 11 The environmentA Threats to our environmentB Saving the environmentUnit 12 News and current eventsA In the newsB Keep up to date!Unit 13 Living in the cityA City lifeB Safety and crimeUnit 14 Arts and entertainmentA Yes,but is it art?B I really enjoyed it!Unit 15 In the pastA Times have changed……B A sense of historyUnit 16 Comedy and humorA What a scream!B A sense of humor