
出版时间:2005-3  出版社:上外教育  作者:Ian Smallwood Li Po Lung  页数:151  字数:260000  


外教社在2002年初对中国12000名大学非英语专业学生进行广泛的调研,了解当今中国大学生最感兴趣的阅读话题,通过这次可能是迄今为止该类项目在中国境内最大规模的调研,筛选出了120个话题。以此为基础,外教社在2002年7月推出了一套全新理念指导下适合中国大学生学习的“大学英语创意系列图书”,包括《大学英语创意阅读》、《大学英语创意口语》和《大学英语创意写作》。    《大学英语创意口语》共6册,每册包括学生用书和教师用书,该教材:    培养学生在不同场景下的英语听说能力。    加强《大学英语课程教学要求》中积极词汇的操练。    在教材融入对东、西方文化差异的介绍,加强学生跨文化交际的意识。    培养学生创造性地使用英语进行交流的能力。


MODULE ONE:"Take up a Hobby".  MAN SKILLE:anking and answering questions about personal hobbies,discussing their benffets and explaining the processes invalved in a hobby  UNIT1:using expressions of likes and dkslikes:identitying sequence markers and follwing instrucions listening key informaiton  UNIT2:explaining a hobby and descrbing the sepuence of steps in a rrocess as part of a hobby listeing for steps in a sequence and following instructions  Creative spesaking:Choosing and develping a hobbyMODULE TWO:"I really can't decide".  MAIN SKILLS:discussing factors in major life decisions such as the choice of a home ordecisions about getting married  UNIT3:identifying and discussing factors and reasons for making particular choices in life:expressing the strength of opinions lisening for the order of importance  Culture corner:Being a group member:indivedual and collective orientations  UNIT 4:discussing priorities and the most important aspects of a decision;forwing and describing relationships between points in an argument;using graphic outlines  Cretive speaking:Analysing priorities and factors to reach a decisionMODULE THREE:What does it to  MAIN SKILLS:describing and explaingng how things work using conversational language and linking this to and diagrams  UNIT5:asking about and describing how unusually but genuinely inventions work explaining their purposes and functions listening for specific details  Culture corner:Joinging a conversation in another culture  UNIT 6:working out how something works:relating a detailed description to a diagra latleing and summarizing  Criative speaking: A new inventionModule FOUR:JUST good friendsMODULE FIVE:I can manage,thank youMODULE SIX That's not funnyMODULE SEVEN:But does it sell?MODULE EIGHT:What's like to be famous




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