
出版时间:2005-6  出版社:上海外语教育  作者:桑伯-塞伦  页数:120  字数:272000  




Unit 1  This Is A Photo Of My Host Family.  Unit 2  Are You Canadian?  simple questions with the verb beUnit 3  You Need This Book.  siple presentUnit 4  Do You Spend A Lot?  yes/no questions with doUnit 5  I Can't Find My Shoe.  possessive aalectivesUnit 6  Who Is She?  wh- questions with the verb beUnit 7  What Do Geologists Do?  wh- questions with doUnit 8  How About These.  demonstrative adjectives and pronounsUnit 9  Put The Picture Above "Fhe Sofa.Unit 10  Don't You Remember?Unit 11  There Is A Bus To Seattle.Unit 12  It Has A CD Player.Unit 13  It's Colorful. It's Beautiful.Unit 14  I'm Looking DownUnit 15  Are You Leaving Early?Unit 16    1 Want Chicken And An Iced Tea.Unit 17  I'm Busy. I'm Cooking Dinner.Unit 18  1 Can'y Use The Computer.Unit 19  Do You Work On The Weekends?Unit 20  Can You Do Me A Favor?



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