
出版时间:2004-9  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:梁正溜 编  页数:150  


  《医学英语趣文阅读(中级)》既保持了初级本体例简洁、使用起来得心应手的风格,又始终贯穿了一个共同的编写宗旨——提高学生英语学习兴趣,拓宽学生阅读视野,并将英语学习和专业学习融为一体。  本级文选由30篇精选的短文组成:每篇文章中以括弧加注的形式插入个别生词的中文注释,并在篇后附上帮助理解的篇尾注;每篇文章后安排了检查阅读理解情况的多项选择题或是非判断题。本书的最后还提供了参考答案。  编者建议教师灵活使用本书,在时间安排上应与所用的主干或其他配套教材有机地结合起来,从而使之相得益彰。  简而言之,本书提供了很大的选择余地,可根据教学的实际需要任意筛选组合。全书兼顾知识性、专业性、文学性、趣味性和实用性。我们相信本书应该能给课堂英语教学增添不少活跃的气氛。




A Doctor Who Dispenses JoyMy VocationA Jack of All TradesMoments of LoveThe Use of Bee Pollen as a SuperfoodCaffeineAcupuncture WorksA Case Example of BiofeedbackWhat Is a Balanced Diet, Anyway?Dementia without a CausePotassium ParalysisBrave, Braver, BravestWhats Right about Being Left-handedThe Death of NapoleonThe President Who Slept Standing UpWhy Hitler Was Not a Vegetarian?Why Einstein Was a Genius?In the First PersonIn Celebration of Being AliveMending the Broken HeartA Good Laugh Is Great MedicineThe Healthful Art of ListeningHave You Touched Anyone Lately?A Rash of KissesThe Science of Bad BreathWhy Are So Many People So Tired?Stress? You Can Manage It!Temper, Temper —— Healthy ways to manage your angerTomorrows MedicineMedicine for a New MillenniumKey to Exercises for Reading Comprehension


  To the desert peoples, eating the meat ofyoung goats —— and with their rigorous sense ofhospitality, offering it to their guests + is anintegral part of life. Goats and rice arepart of their social ecology, their traditionalsystem of values and beliefs, their relationshipwith the world. Young men who leave for thecity change this traditional relationship inmany ways, in the matter of food by turningto dried milk, white bread, and Pepsi-Cola.What is available, what they can afford, whattheir peers are buying —— these are just a fewof the factors at play. In the industrialized world, dietaryfolklore itself is all but swept away beforethe brooms of the newer sciences ——biochemistry, physiology, andstatistics. They assemble for us,in a piecemeal epistemology offood and a new kind of nutrition, approachedthrough the intellect rather than throughphysical experience.



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