出版时间:2012-1 出版社:上海外语教育 作者:张祖忻 编 页数:630
Lesson1 The holidays are over2 Do this! Do that!3 Photographs of our holiday4 Tell me that story5 A pair of sunglasses6 Put on your shirt7 Please pay attention!8 There is... I can see9 Can you tell us the way?10 Where do you come from?11 Professor Boffin12 What do they usually do?13 Mrs Gasbag14 He usually.., but today15 The weighing machine16 Everyday, today and tomorrow17 Flour and water18 Have you any... ?19 Sandy's money-box20 How much has she? How many has she?21 Father hangs a picture22 I need23 Professor Boffin's umbrella24 练习25 it sounds terrible!26 What's it like? What's it made of?27 A funny cake28 What's it like?29 Mother meets Mr May30 What are they like?31 Sandy has a bad cold32 练习33 Sandy's medicine34 练习35 No parking36 Don't... ! You mustn't...37 Pour it over yourself!38 Have a sandwich!39 Haircut or shave?40 Let's have41 A fight42 They're having43 Where's the key? Where's the car?44 When was he...? Where was he...?45 Sue's diary46 When were they... ? Where were they... ?47 Professor Boffin's shoes48 When were they...? Where were they...?49 Scientists are clever men……Key to the Test
《看听学》为一套适合小学生使用的英语教材,由著名的《新概念英语》编者亚历山大编写,并在中国被广泛采用。为了帮助教师提高教学效果,帮助家长在家辅导孩子,我社特约上海外国语大学新闻传播学院院长张祖忻教授领衔主编这一套《看昕学》辅导用书。这套教辅书的特点有: 根据低龄学生的心理特征设计教学活动 提供具体、详细的教学步骤和教学方法,家长只需具备高中英语水平,即可依靠此教案达到专业教师的教学效果 视听同步,增加学生的语感 充分的句型和单词操练,提高学生的应用能力 教学游戏化,变被动接受为积极互动 相信只要拥有这套辅导书, 教师无需另行备新课。即可获得最佳教学效果; 家长无需教学经验,即可变外行为内行。