
出版时间:2011-3  出版社:西北农林科技大学出版社  作者:武军元,等 编  页数:284  


  《高等农业院校教材:专业英语(供畜牧兽医和水产专业用)(第1版)》按照高等院校专业外语教学的要求进行编写。内容分为四个单元,第一单元为专业英语概论,重点介绍专业英语阅读、翻译和写作的基本方法;第二、三单元分别选编畜牧兽医和水产养殖专业方面的基础理论和基本操作技术例文共35篇;第四单元附录部分收录了相关专业期刊当中高频使用的专业词汇以及构成部分专业词汇的词根和词缀,并选编了一篇典型的专业期刊论文全文。  《高等农业院校教材:专业英语(供畜牧兽医和水产专业用)(第1版)》选材广泛,内容丰富新颖,图文并茂,针对性和实用性强,便于全国各高等农林院校因地制宜选择教学和学生自学,还可供相关领域科研院所的技术骨干选读。 


前言Unit 1  Review Of Specialized English第一章  绪论第二章  专业英语的构词和语法第三章  专业英语的句子结构与分析第四章  专业英语的阅读与翻译第五章  专业英语论文摘要的撰写第六章  科技论文结构Unit 2  Basic Theory of Husbandry and Veterinary MedicineLesson 1  ImmunologyLesson 2  MicrobiologyLesson 3  Rational Drug TherapyLesson 4  PhysiologyLesson 5  PathologyLesson 6  AntibodiesLesson 7  Apoptosis AssaysLesson 8  InterferonsLesson 9  Viruses and CancerLesson 10  Drug InteractionsLesson 11  Anti-AIDS AgentsLesson 12  ReflexesLesson 13  Transport of Oxygen and Carbon DioxideLesson 14  Inflammatory Disorders of Bone MarrowLesson 15  Differentiation Between Necrosis and Postmortem AutolysisLesson 16  RoughagesLesson 17  Evolution and Extinction of Animals部分参考译文Unit3  Basic Theory of AquicultureLesson 1  Genes, Chromosomes and Cell DivisionLesson 2  The Animal and It's FoodLesson 3  "Insects" of the Sea-Aquatic MandibulatesLesson 4  Threatened Fishes of the World: Aspiorhynchus Laticeps (Day, 1877) (Cyprinidae)Lesson 5  An Introduction to IchthyologyLesson 6  Novel in Vitro Method to Study Fish IntestineLesson 7  Tilapia's Hyper Osmotic Transcription FactorsLesson 8  Guidelines for Fish Disease TreatmentLesson 9  Cultivation of SturgeonLesson 10  Organization of CellsLesson 11  Diet and Husbandry of Channel CatfishLesson 12  The Nutritional Effects of Algae in Marine Fish LarvaeLesson 13  Laboratory Manuals for the Cultivation of O. MelastigmaLesson 14  RotiferaLesson 15  Regulation of Food Intake and DigestionLesson 16  The Internal Fluids and Respiration of AnimalLesson 17  Nervous System and Sense OrgansLesson 18  Types of Vertebrate Muscle部分参考译文附录附录一  常用词汇附录二  常用词根、前缀及后缀附录三  专业英语论文实例主要参考文献



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