
出版时间:2007-8  出版社:苏州大学出版社  作者:徐源  页数:201  字数:337000  


21世纪的中国,改革开放不断深化,对外经济交往愈加频繁。在经济全球化的大背景下,发展日益广泛的国际商务领域对国际商务英语人才的培养在数量上和质量上都提出了新的要求。而同时随着网络与信息化时代的到来,作为一种充满着生机与活力的商务模式,电子商务为传统的商务带来了重大的挑战。因此,了解电子商务、加强英语技能已经成为培养复合型人才的切实要求。这些人才既要有扎实的英语语言功底,又要有丰富的商务知识,并能在商务实践中灵活自如地应对各种复杂多变的情况。在这样的背景下,《电子商务英语》教材(以下简称“教材”)应运而生。    在教材的设计与编写过程中,编者参阅了大量的西方文献资料,从有关教材、学术期刊、论坛文章以及其他出版物中选取了原汁原味的英文资料。教材从互联网的基本知识入手,介绍了电子商务的基本概念、电子商务营销的基本知识、电子商务方面的公共与政策性事务、电子商务的策划与运作等,并展望了电子商务的未来发展。选材的内容涵盖了电子商务领域的重要方面。    教材不仅以提高学习者英语能力和帮助学习者了解商务知识为唯一目的,还致力于培养学习者掌握良好的学习方法、提高自主学习的能力,为学习者今后的自我学习发展与知识更新打下扎实的基础。    此外,教材强调了学习者英语语言的运用与商务知识的拓展,将语言知识的学习与专业知识的学习结合起来,为更好地进行语言知识与专业知识的学习开拓了新的思路。


Unit 1  Business and the Internet  Text A  Understanding the Internet  Text B  How Can the Internet Add Value to a Business?  Text C  A Brief History of the InternetUnit 2  Introduction to Electronic Commerce  Text A  Understanding Electronic Commerce  Text B  Types of Electronic Commerce  Text C  Advantages and Disadvantages of Electronic CommerceUnit 3  Electronic Data Interchange  Text A  EDI-Concepts and Its Components  Text B  EDI on the Internet  Text C  Guidelines for the Implementation of EDIUnit 4  Internet Advertising  Text A  Advertising on the Web  Text B  Measuring Advertising Effects and Pricing Ads  Text C  Advertising Strategies and the ImplementationUnit 5  E-mail Marketing and Permission Marketing  Text A  Why E-mail Marketing?  Text B  Spam: Problems and Responses  Text C  Tips on Getting and Keeping PermissionUnit 6  Search Engine Optimization  Text A Basics of Search Engine Optimization  Text B Top 10 Search Engine Optimization Tips  Text C 7 Don’ts of Search Engine OptimizationUnit 7 Logistics in Electronic Commerce  Text A E-Commerce Logistics  Text B  3 PL-What Investors Should Consider  Text C Outsourcing:3PLs VS.4PLsUnit 8 Public and Policy Issues(1)  Text A  Jurisdiction on the Interact  Text B Contracting in Electronic Commerce  Text C Protecting PrivacyUnit 9 Public and Policy Issues(2)  Text A Taxation and Electronic Commerce  Text B Internet Security Issues Overview  Text C Protecting Intellectual Property and CopyrightsUnit 10 Implementation of E-Commerce(1)  Text A Planning Electronic Commerce Initiatives  Text B Ten Steps to Successful EC Programs  Text C Evaluating OutsourcingUnit 11  Implementation of E-Commerce(2)  Text A How to Build a Website  Text B Staffing for Electronic Commerce  Text C Web Hosting ChoicesUnit 12  Electronic Commerce in the FutIlre  Text A The Future of E1ectronic Commerce  ……Bibliography



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