
出版时间:2002-12  出版社:苏州大学出版社  作者:金焕荣 主编  页数:172  


  本书以开拓视野、扩充科技信息、提高英语阅读能力为宗旨,力求做到以下几点:  内容新颖——本书在内容上尽量选用反映最新的先进科技成果、富有当代生活气息的材料。  知识面广——本书在选材上涉及尽可能多的科学技术门类,如物理、化学、生物、医药、宇航、心理学等方面的内容均有所反映。  趣味性强——材料力求做到幽默风趣、生动活泼、引人入胜。通过趣味性强的材料,激发学生的学习兴趣。  提高英语水平——本书是一本英语读物,提高读者的英语阅读水平是编写本书的主要目的。为此,在每课之后都安排了翔实的注释和一定量的练习,以帮助读者抓住重点,一步一个脚印,学得更加扎实。


Lesson 1  A Big Mystery: Why Do We Laugh?Lesson 2  America on WheelsLesson 3  A Warmer or a Colder Earth?Lesson 4  Bill Gates——Microsoft chairman and chief software architectLesson 5  Cancer Causes Founded in LifestyleLesson 6  Cars Drive ThemselvesLesson 7  Clone: The Road to Dolly, and the Path AheadLesson 8  Coca-Cola, Chocolate Chip Cookies, and Yellow Sticky NotesLesson 9  Gene Map Brings HopeLesson 10  How Nature Breaks RocksLesson 11  Inside the World of DreamsLesson 12  Internal Combustion EnginesLesson 13  Is a Cure for Cancer on the Horizon?Lesson 14  Jupiter and the Outer PlanetsLesson 15  Man's AbilitiesLesson 16  Mending FacesLesson 17  Move the Earth--It's No Science FictionLesson 18  Neil Alden ArmstrongLesson 19  Science Hero: Philo Taylor FarnsworthLesson 20  Smart Phones to EmergeLesson 21  The Migration of BirdsLesson 22  The Pleasure of BooksLesson 23  The Ultimate Machine: The Electronic ComputerLesson 24  Time and the StarsLesson 25  Why Do We Blink?Lesson 26  Why Is There No Cure for the Cold?Lesson 27  YAHOO !——The history of Yahoo! --how it all started.Lesson 28  Yuri Alekseyevich GagarinKeys to the Exercises



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用户评论 (总计3条)


  •   整体翻了一下,对孩子蛮合适。
  •   有生词解释,有题有答案。适合高中生。
  •   高中水平的

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