
出版时间:2004-8  出版社:东南大学  作者:孙迪民  页数:317  字数:520000  


《高级英语听说教程》是学完大学英语教学大纲规定内容之后的提高阶段教材。此教程的编写充分考虑到非英语专业硕士研究生的实际水平。本书由口语教程与听力教程结合而成。上编为口语教程,下编为口听力教程。口语教程采用听说结合、以说为主,循序渐进,多种口语形式综合训练的方法,旨在提高研究生的英语口头交际能力。听力教程主要突出基础听说技巧训练,旨在通过该部分的有针对性的专项分类训练,使学生既能在听力应试能力方面达到国家《非英语专业研究生英语教学大纲》及国家大学英语四、六级听力考试的基本要求,又能在听说实际运用能力方面听说实际运用能力方面有一个较为明显的提高。   本书适用于听说水平中等及以下的硕博研究生、工程硕士研究生、研究生课程进修班学员使用,也可供具有中等英语水平的读者自学进修使用。


Book one  Unit One   Part 1 proverbs   Part 2 Reading aloud and memorizing:THE FIRST SHOW   Part 3 conversations:introductions and opening conversations   Part 4 passage:making plans   Part 5 Pair work   Part 6 group discussion   Part 7 functional sentences   Part 8 oral interpretation  Unit Two   Part 1 proverbs   Part 2 Reading aloud and memorizing:THE HUMMING-BIRD   Part 3 conversations:introductions and opening conversations   Part 4 passage:making appointments   Part 5 Pair work   Part 6 group discussion   Part 7 functional sentences   Part 8 oral interpretation  Unit Three   Part 1 proverbs   Part 2 Reading aloud and memorizing:READING GOOD BOOKS   Part 3 conversations:introductions and opening conversations   Part 4 passage:Silent enemies   Part 5 Pair work   Part 6 group discussion   Part 7 functional sentences   Part 8 oral interpretation  Unit four  Unit five  Unit six  Unit seven  Unit eight  Unit nine  Unit ten   Unit eleven going by air  Unit twelve introductions  Unit thirteen looking for a flat  Unit fourteen meals   Unit fifteen looking for a job  Unit sixteen banking   Unit seventeen telephoning  Unit eighteen shopping  Unit nineteen health and medicare  Unit customs and etiquettekey to translationsupplementary passages for reproductionadditional topics for discussionadditional topics for english speechhow to make a successful english speech?(1)how to make a successful english speech?(2)speak extemporaneously



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