
出版时间:2008-1  出版社:四川西南财经大学  作者:邹勇,邓海主编  页数:282  字数:305000  


这是一本为高等学校成人教育而编写的英语教材,也可作为网络教育、夜大、函大、高等专科院校和高等职业院校英语教材使用,还可作为自学教材供相应水平的英语爱好者学习使用。 本教材旨在指导学生深入学习课文的基础上,从读、写、译、听、说等方面进行语言操练,使学生具备较扎实的英语语言基础知识、较强的阅读能力和翻译能力以及一定的听和说的能力。 全书共有十六个单元。每个单元都设计有一个话题及两篇阅读文章。它们既相互关联,又各有侧重。围绕这些与学生生活和学习息息相关的话题,教师可以安排学生讨论,充分发挥学生的学习主动性。每个单元后还配有相关的语法知识和情景对话,帮助学生达到能够比较熟练地应用英语进行交流的目的。


Unit One  Text A  Why I Want a Wife  Text B  Why ! Want a HusbandUnit Two  Text A  The Family: Past, Present, and Future  Text B  FamiliesUnit Three  Text A  How to Be a Successful Language Learner?  Text B  Is Learning English Easy or Not?Unit Four  Text A  A Plate of Peas  Text B  A Coke and a SmileUnit Five  Text A  Not a Chance to Regret  Text B  One Hour of TimeUnit Six  Text A  You Never Really Lose Your Value  Text B  If I Were a Boy AgainUnit Seven  Text A  The Man Who Create Mickey Mouse   Text B  DisneylandUnit Eight  Text A  What We Eat and Drink  Text B  Fallacies about FoodUnit Nine  Text A  Poll Reveals TV News too Negative     Text B  Television -- a Blessing or a Curse? Unit Ten  Text A  Net Has Become a British Way of Life  Text B  HackingUnit Eleven  Text A  Goal of American Education  Text B  The British School SystemUnit Twelve  Text A  The Delights of Books  Text B  Time Spent in a BookshopUnit Thirteen  Text A  Mystery Monsters of Loch Ness  Text B  EskimosUnit Fourteen  Text A  How New York Became America's Largest City  Text B  Cities in the United StatesUnit Fifteen  Text A  American Men don't Cry  Text B  American StoresUnit Sixteen  Text A  Current Attitudes towards Physical Fitness  Text B  Dieting Your Way to Health



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