
出版时间:2007-2  出版社:西南财经  作者:卞瑞晨  页数:165  




Unit One Dialogues:A.I'm from Southe AfricaB.Could I Join the Club?Text:The MoonGrammar:Simple Present Tense(1)Writing:Sentence(1)Reading:Sports Around the WorldUnit TwoDialogues:A.Gould I Join the School Library?B.A Family PhotoText:Chinese New Year in Hong KongGrammar:Simple Present Tense(2)Writing:Sentence(2)Reading:A Nice Cup of TeaUnit ThreeDialogues:A.One Moment,PleaseB.This Is Mr. Smith HereText:Pollution Is Spoiling the Air We BreatheGrammar:Present Progressive Tense(1)Writing:Adverbial Clause(1)Reading:From Trash to TreasureUnit FourDialogues:A.Can I See Your Manager?B.Let Me Check……Unit FiveUnit SixUnit SevenUnit EightUnit NineUnit One Dialogues:A.I'm from Southe AfricaB.Could I Join the Club?Text:The MoonGrammar:Simple Present Tense(1)Writing:Sentence(1)Reading:Sports Around the WorldUnit TwoDialogues:A.Gould I Join the School Library?B.A Family PhotoText:Chinese New Year in Hong KongGrammar:Simple Present Tense(2)Writing:Sentence(2)Reading:A Nice Cup of TeaUnit ThreeDialogues:A.One Moment,PleaseB.This Is Mr. Smith HereText:Pollution Is Spoiling the Air We BreatheGrammar:Present Progressive Tense(1)Writing:Adverbial Clause(1)Reading:From Trash to TreasureUnit FourDialogues:A.Can I See Your Manager?B.Let Me CheckUnit FiveUnit SixUnit SevenUnit EightUnit Nine



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