
出版时间:2006-8  出版社:西南财经大学出版社  作者:倪建明  页数:113  字数:120000  


  《实用商务英语教程》是根据教育部高职高专教育的精神,结合目前高职高专的现状和社会的需求进行调研、设计和编写的。它主张够用为度、实用为主,广泛征求企业、教师和学生三方面的意义,在内容和形式上充分体现了服务学生和以就业为导向的思想,在内容和形式上充分体现了 服务学生和以就业为导向的思想。  本书共5章,27个单元,每个单元由四个部分组成,分别从技能、内容解释、范例和练习上满足了学生的学习要求,充分体现了当代高职高专商务英语教材的实用性及独创性。


Chapter 1 Commercial Communication  Unit 1 Business Recepion and Introduction  Unit 2 Introduction of Company and Product(Ⅰ)  Unit 3 Introduction of Company and Product(Ⅱ)  Unit 4 Telephone Communications  Unit 5 Eating:Typical Chinese Food  Unit 6 Making Business Arrangements  Unit 7 Meetin(Ⅰ)  Unit 8 Meetin(Ⅱ)Chapter 2 Business Witing  Unit 9 Essential of Business Letter Writing  Unit 10 Telecommunication  Unit 11 E-mailChapter 3 Cmmercial Information  Unit 12 Commercial Information General  Unit 13 Business Information Collecting(Ⅰ)  Unit 14 Business Information Collecting(Ⅱ)  Unit 15 The Proccsing of Commercial Information  Unit 16 The Transmitting of Commercial InformaionChapter 4 Marketing  Unit 17 An Overview of Marketing  Unit 18 Marketion Research  Unit 19 Rrand and Price  Unit 20 Marketing Channels(Place)  Unit 21 Promotion and Advertising  Unit 22 Image and Sales ServicesChapter 5 Commercial Contract  Unit 23 Contract General  Unit 24 Formation of a Contract  Unit 25 Essentials in Contract Forming  Unit 26 Structure and Formality of a Contract  Unit 27 Settlement and Remedies for the Disputes in Rela-tion to the ContractAppendix1 A Sanapshof of Chinese HistoryAppendix1 Reference Books for the Students



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