
出版时间:2005-8  出版社:北京交通大学出版社  作者:张晓丽  页数:214  


本书作为高等院校商务英语专业的专业英语教材,本书的内容包括商务营销、商务谈判策略、商务贸易、国际支付、仲裁、贸易方式、跨国经营、电子商务、国际贸易、贸易组织、实务知识和基本理论。书中配有注释和练习,侧重培养学生阅读英文经贸报刊、短文的能力,力求扩大学生有关商务英语的词汇量和知识,提高学生的综合阅读水平。    本教材也可供从事经贸工作的人员、英语自学者使用。


Unit One  Text A This Generation Means Business Text B America's Vision for a Digital Future Text C Company Description:Nokia CorporationUnit Two  Text A The Richest Man in the World Text B Invitation for Bids Text c Business PartnersUnit Three Text A Good Luck to Your Job Seeking Text B Advertising on the Web Text c Annual Performance Review:Tool for Success?Unit Four Text A Not in Finland Anymore?More Like Nokialand Text B New Economy Dressing for Success Text c Putting YOUR Fob Intervies into RehearsalUnit Five Text A Exports can make you king of the heap Text B Negotiating Compensation:It's More Than Just Money Text c Applying for a New BossUnit Six Text A Telecommuting;Technology Instead of Traffic Text B Flea Market Shopping Can Be Satisfying Text c CEOs in Hot WaterUnit Seven Text A Women at the top? Text B When the new boss is hell on wheel Text c Gossip:your way up the corporate ladderUnit Eight Text A The joy of SOHO:making a life while making a living Text B Ten steps to a successful Good——bye Text c General electric is like a grocery storeUnit Nine Text A Background to the Euro Text B Stepping up to the Firing Line Text c When companies are place to workUnit Ten  Text A Chasing Fame Text B What is economics? Text c The container storeUnit Eleven Text A Where do we go from here? Text B The power of the well managed databse(Ⅰ) Text c The power of the well managed databse(Ⅱ)Unit Twelve Text A Technologies can take off fast Text B The world economy on the edge(Ⅰ) Text c The world economy on the edge(Ⅱ)Unit ThirteenUnit FourteenUnit Fifteen参考文献





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