
出版时间:2005-4  出版社:清华大学出版社北京交通大学出版社  作者:吴柏祥黄静茹等黄静茹李清辉叶琼  页数:250  




Chapter One An Introduction to Business Writing 1.1Is Writing So Important for a Business Success 1.2What Knowledge of Writing Makes a Successful Businessperson 1.3General Writing Strategies Chapter Two English Writing of Employment Section One Business Writing 2.1Introduction 2.2Cover Letters2.2.1What Is a Cover Letter?2.2.2Five Things to Think About Before Writing2.2.3Anatomy of a Cover Letter2.2.4Ten Important Rules of Cover Letter Writing2.2.5Sample Cover Letters 2.3Professional Resumes 2.3.1Introduction to Professional Resumes2.3.2Sixteen Important Features of a Professional Resume2.3.3Sample Resumes 2.4Thank You Letters2.4.1About Thank You Letters2.4.2Samples of Thank You Letters Section Two Language Handbook 2.5Using of Nouns2.5.1Definition of Noun2.5.2Classification of Nouns2.5.3Noun Usage Section Three Writer’s Workshop 2.6The Writing Process and Writer’s Job 2.6.1The Writing Process2.6.2Different Writing Stages2.6.3Different Jobs of a Writer Chapter Three Memorandums and Other Office Daily Routines ……Chapter Four Advertisements and Sales Promotion Chapter Five Business Letters(Ⅰ) Chapter Six Business Letters(Ⅱ)Chapter Seven Netiquette in Business CommunicationChapter Eight Miscellaneous Business Social Correspondence(Ⅰ)Chapter Nine Miscellaneous Business Social Correspondence (Ⅱ)Chapter Ten Business Speeches Chapter Eleven Business Reports Chapter Twelve Technical Manuals and Instructions Chapter Thirteen Contracts and Agreements Chapter Fourteen Modern Technology in Business Writing Appendix A Business Writing Glossary References



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