
出版时间:2005-2  出版社:北京交通大学出版社  作者:李京平 编  页数:233  


  随着大学英语教学改革的深入,突破“哑巴英语”,解决学生开口难、交流难的现状,提高学生的口语表达能力,已经成为大学英语教学中亟待研究和探讨的一个课题。要大幅度地提高口语课的教学效果和教学质量,必须先了解学生的困难和口语教材的现状。  一、学生的困难  理工科学生在长期重理解、轻表达的教学指导思想的影响下,口头表达能力受到很大的抑制,等真正要他们开口说英语时,往往表现出羞于启齿或张口结舌的症状。这些症状可以归因于以下3个方面。  1.缺乏语音基础对于理工科学生,传统的教学理论认为没必要、也不可能对他们进行类似于对外语专业学生所进行的那种纠音训练,其结果是大多数的学生(约占70%-80%)缺乏基本的语音常识。在教学中我们发现,许多学生不能按发音规则读出生词,基本元音发错由于语音基础太差,学生往往产生自卑感,不敢开口,从而失去“我也能说一口漂亮的英语”的自信心和学好英语的兴趣;由于语音基础太差,学生即使敢开口,说出的英语也不像英语,让人听不懂,使语言失去交流的功能。




UNIT ONE "Do you think the old fflm is still interesting ?"Part A Situational DialoguesPart B Useful ExpressionsPart C Functional PatternsPart D PracticePart E For FunUNIT TWO "Yes, its a piece of cake."Part A Situational DialoguesPart B Useful ExpressionsPart C Functional PatternsPart D PracticePart E For FunUNIT THREE "Thats why he won the Oscar."Part A Situational DialoguesPart B Useful ExpressionsPart C Functional PatternsPart D PracticePart E For FunUNIT FOUR "Ive been occupied with extracurricular activities"Part A Situational DialoguesPart B Useful ExpressionsPart C Functional PatternsPart D PracticePart E For FunUNIT FIVE "Do you often surf the Internet ?"Part A Situational DialoguesPart B Useful ExpressionsPart C Functional PatternsPart D PracticePart E For FunUNIT SIX "Can yon sell it to me at a discount ?"Part A Situational DialoguesPart B Useful ExpressionsPart C Functional PatternsPart D PracticePart E For FunUNIT SEVEN "Ill treat you to dinner today."Part A Situational DialoguesPart B Useful ExpressionsPart C Functional PatternsPart D PracticePart E For FunUNIT EIGHT "Im running out of money again!"Part A Situational DialoguesPart B Useful ExpressionsPart C Functional PatternsPart D PracticePart E For FunUNIT NINE "Ill be tied up this afternoon."Part A Situational DialoguesPart B Useful ExpressionsPart C Functional PatternsPart D PracticePart E For FunUNIT TEN "Are you coming to the party ?"Part A Situational DialoguesPart B Useful ExpressionsPart C Functional PatternsPart D PracticePart E For FunKeys and Suggested Answers to the ExercisesKeys to the Riddles in the Footnotes


  Chen Ge: No, but Ive read the book. I dont think Id enjoy seeing the film actually. Itwould spoil everything.D: Really? Its incredible! (6) If I had to choose between the fflm of a story and the book, Idgo for the film every time.C. Would you.9D. Yes. The cinematic(7) experience is much more real. You can get the atmosphere better ——complete with all the special effects, cinematography , costumes(9), accents , andamazing battle sequences.C: Thats so Hollywood! Id much prefer to use myown imagination. I can see it how I wantto see it, rather than how some director makes me see it. Aayway, I think you get muchmore insight into a character when you read the book. Half of the character is lost onfilm because you never know what he or she is thinking.D. True, but well, I dont know. Its not as much work going to the cinema. It takes lesstime. I can get the whole story in two hours whereas it might take me a week to read thebook.



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