出版时间:2007-7 出版社:湖南师范大学 作者:刘学明 页数:314
《英语阅读技巧与实践》是为高等学校英语专业学生编写的一套阅读(以前称为泛读)教材。全套书共7册,既可供英语专业本、专科生使用,也可供教师进修学院、函授大学和夜大的英语专业学员使用。 本套教材依据《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》对英语阅读课程的要求编写,其编写的目的是:教给学生阅读理论和技巧,培养他们细致观察语言的能力和假设判断、推理验证等逻辑思维能力;培养他们阅读的兴趣,使他们在较短的时间里尽快扩大词汇量和知识面,提高思想和文化素养,从而提高阅读水平和能力,通过阅读更快更好地获取世界上各国有用的政治、经济、文化和科技等方面的信息,为我国的改革开放和社会主义建设服务。
PASSAGE 1 Hunting for Viruses on the AmazonPASSAGE 2 OwlsPASSAGE 3 CanadaPASSAGE 4 Climate and VegetationPASSAGE 5 Mass ProductionPASSAGE 6 Like Father, Like Son?PASSAGE 7 Zoos in the Past and NowPASSAGE 8 The Balance of NaturePASSAGE 9 A Famous SpeechPASSAGE 10 The Marketplace on the InternetPASSAGE 11 Tips on Doing Business with the ArabsPASSAGE 12 The British Police and the American PolicePASSAGE 13 The San Francisco EarthquakePASSAGE 14 TelevisionPASSAGE 15 New EnglandPASSAGE 16 How Is Leather Made? PASSAGE 17 The Pennsylvania DutchPASSAGE 18 Living a Long LifePASSAGE 19 TexasPASSAGE 20 The Female MosquitoPASSAGE 21 A Marriage of ConveniencePASSAGE 22 RabiesPASSAGE 23 A Library MishapPASSAGE 24 Dreams--What Do They Mean?PASSAGE 25 Knowing Everybody in Bardfield by SightPASSAGE 26 A Meeting about a Flower ShowPASSAGE 27 The Earth's Spreading DesertsPASSAGE 28 Alfred Nobel--a Man of ContrastPASSAGE 29 How to Cope with Insomnia?PASSAGE 30 Darwin's TheoryPASSAGE 31 Have You Ever Seen a Flying Saucer?PASSAGE 32 Down the MinePASSAGE 33 Shooting an ElephantPASSAGE 34 Chinese-Americans: Success of an Ethnic GroupPASSAGE 35 CigarettesPASSAGE 36 Faithful HachikoPASSAGE 37 The Three BrothersPASSAGE 38 The Two GeneralsPASSAGE 39 The Marvels of ColourPASSAGE 40 Pollution: a Threat to Our Environment