出版时间:2007-7 出版社:湖南师范大学出版社 作者:刘金玲 编 页数:314
阅读对于学习语言的重要性是不言而喻的。古人有言,“读书破万卷,下笔如有神”,指的就是阅读对掌握语言、提高写作能力所起的作用。另一说“读万卷书,行万里路”,也包含着类似的意思。至于“青灯黄卷”、“寒窗苦读”,则除了倡导发愤学习,还说明了对大量阅读的重视。 语言学习是相通的。大量阅读对掌握外语也同样重要。阅读有助于培养语感。对一种语言的感受,是建立在对该语言的频繁接触上的。对在母语环境里的外语学习者来说,可以说没有大量阅读就不可能产生对所学外语的语感,而没有语感,则只能得语言之皮毛。大量阅读也有助于增加语汇和表达方式,无论是本国语还是外语,我们所掌握的用以书面传递思想的词汇和句法,大多是通过阅读得来的,书读得越多,掌握的表达方式也越多,表达能力也越强。阅读对写作所起的作用更为直接。通常,写不好的根本原因,除了思想贫乏、逻辑混乱等内在智力因素外,主要还应归结于读得太少,没有从阅读别人的文章中学得自己写作所需的语汇和表达方式。阅读还能丰富我们的文化知识,培根就认定“读书使人充实”,而掌握有关国家的文化背景知识,对外语学习者来说尤为重要。一篇域外的文章,一部外国的小说,都会向我们展示一个新的世界,都有助于我们对其语言的了解和领悟。阅读对学习外语的重要性是怎么强调也不会过分的。 如果把英语学习中的阅读分为精读和泛读两类的话,那么现时人们的注意力往往过多地置于精读,而忽略了泛读。精读不能说不重要,古人也有“熟读唐诗三百首,不会吟诗也会吟”之类强调精读之说。问题在于我们大多着眼于试验田式的小块文章上的精耕细作’’(不厌其烦地释义,反反复复地解释语法,不无炫耀地解析词汇等等),而把“大量阅读”放在极其次要的地位。虽然设有泛读课,但大多泛读不“泛”,阅读量极其有限,说到底不过是精读的变种。尽管对一小篇课文的研读可以把文中的词汇与句式搞得滚瓜烂熟,对英语学习也有所帮助。
《英语阅读技巧与实践》系高等院校英语专业阅读课系列教材,2001年获国家级教学成果二等奖;2005年获中国大学出版社协会优秀教材一等奖;2006年被教育部确定为普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材。 本册的重点仍然是运用第一册学到的基本阅读技巧,千方百计扩大词汇量,提高阅读速度和理解率。本册每篇文章后都注明有单词数,以便教师按教学大纲规定的阅读速度组织教学。首先教师要求学生在规定的时间里读完课文并做完第一大练习题(理解题),然后检查答案。课文后还有很多其他练习题,除了快速阅读以外,教师在本册中要特别注重cloze test,因为它是对学生语言能力的综合检测。在做这道题时,教师不能只对答案,而应教给学生如下技巧:上下文线索、习惯搭配、语法知识及常识。利用好这四条技巧,做题时一般能做对70%~80%。同时也要重视综合改错题,做改错题的技巧与做完形填空题的技巧基本相同。
PASSAGE 1 Yellow Fever PASSAGE 2 Intelligence in Animals PASSAGE 3 Electronic Burglar Alarms PASSAGE 4 America's New Recession PASSAGE 5 The Discovery of a Sunken Ship PASSAGE 6 Man Hunters of the USA PASSAGE 7 Frank Turner PASSAGE 8 The Interaction of Body and Mind PASSAGE 9 The Land and the People PASSAGE 10 Supermarkets PASSAGE 11 Sex on the Job PASSAGE 12 From the Other Side of the Generation Gap PASSAGE 13 A Virtual University PASSAGE 14 WTO Finds US Trade Damaged by EU Beef Import Ban PASSAGE 15 Two Major Parties in Britain PASSAGE 16 Reeds, Pens and Beyond PASSAGE 17 Why Tortoise's Shell Is Not Smooth PASSAGE 18 How Hurricanes Get Their Names PASSAGE 19 Indo-European Languages PASSAGE 20 Death.a Part of Life PASSAGE 21 Tame Volcanoes PASSAGE 22 The Secret Language of Barrier Signals PASSAGE 23 The Birth of Jesus PASSAGE 24 The Man with the Jade Mask PASSAGE 25 The Piece of String PASSAGE 26 Robert Baden-Powell, Secret Agent PASSAGE 27 Stuck on Stamps PASSAGE 28 The American Tax System PASSAGE 29 We Are Not a Nation of Tax Cheats PASSAGE 30 Insurance PASSAGE 31 Investment Banking Companies PASSAGE 32 Weather Catastrophe-Then and Now? PASSAGE 33 Bittersweet Companions PASSAGE 34 Safeguarding Life PASSAGE 35 The Red Data Books PASSAGE 36 The First Ecologists PASSAGE 37 Twins,Genes and Environment PASSAGE 38 The Antler Riddle PASSAGE 39 Beneath the Canopy PASSAGE 40 Paralinguistic Communication APPENDIX Vocabulary
PAssAGE 1 Yellow Fevel [1]Hopes for a victory over the disease of yellow fever were raised still fur ther when one of a team of Rockefeller doctors, studying yellow fever in Ghana,scored a major victory in the summer of 1927.Visiting a village where there wasan outbreak,the doctor took blood from a good-looking young African,Asibi byname。who had a mild touch of fever.The doctor now injected some of his bloodinto four animals including one monkey that had j ust arrived from India.Only themonkev went down with yellow fever.For the first time the virus of the disease had been passed into an animal other than man.Having animals that could be given the disease opened the way to new lines of experiments. [2] The Asibi virus was kept going from monkey to monkey.In this way they gradually developed a virus whose power to make people ill had been greatlylowered.But still it had enough strength to develop resistance in human beings.So from the blood of a West African a vaccine was finally developed that now protects millions of people from yellow fever. [3] Such,then,was the point reached in 1932.Yellow fever appeared to be onthe way out.at least in the Americas.Then there occurred an outbreak in a countrv district in Brazil.This was strange,since yellow fever had always been believed to be a disease of the city,one that people caught by being bitten in their own homes by the city type of mosquitoes,bred within a hundred yards of theirhouses.Something much more surprising,however,was in store for themembers of the Brazilian Yellow Fever Service,when they reached the area. here was yellow fever in the district,without doubt.The Service found it was presentby all the standard tests.But there were no city-type mosquitoes,not one. [4] One morning a doctor went into the jungle with some woodcutters.Hewanted to collect mosquitoes,but they weren't biting.The doctor was just readyto leave,when one of the men shouted that a tree was about to fall.He stoodback and watched the great mass come down.Sunlight streamed through the holemade in the roof of the j ungle and from the upper branches of the fallen tree rosea cloud of blue mosquitoes which circled around the men.E53 So it was learned that these blue mosquitoes,relatively rare on the floor ofthe j ungle,exist in great numbers in the treetops.There too,the monkeys live.This discovery completed a chain of facts about the way j ungle yellow fever iscaught and spread.It is mainly a disease of monkeys in the j ungle treetops.Theyare infected by the bites of several kinds of mosquitoes,blue mosquitoes being oneof the most conll Tlon attackers.The pattern is camed on frommonkey to mosquito andback to monkey.But men going into the jungle may also get the disease,particularly iftheir work disturbs the roof of the jungle.If the man bitten by an infected mosquitoreturns to a city where there are mosquitoes of the city type,he may start again thepattern of man to mosquito to man. (about 550 words) Exercises I.Tick 0ff the best choice according to the information given in this passage. 1.A further advance in the fight against yellow fever was made when it was discovered that the disease could be passed from__________. A.man to mosquitoB.animal to man C.animal to mosquitoD.man to animal 2.The vaccine for yellow fever that is used today is developed from the original sample of blood from_______. A.experimental monkeysB_American doctors C.a West African D.infected mosquitoes 3.Up to 1 932,yellow fever had been mainly a disease of______. A.the cityB.the countryC.the j ungleD.inland places 4.In the jungle the doctor found——. A.the city type of mosquitoesB.blue mosquitoes C.all types of mosquitoes D.very few mosquitoes 5.J ungle yellow fever can only exist where there are_____. A.any type of mosquitoes13.blue mosquitoes C.monkeys D.animals and mosquitoes 6.Men going into the j ungle are especially likely to get yellow fever if their work______. A.is near waterB.disturbs the roof of the j ungle C involves handling woodD.keeps them there after dark 7.The doctors in this story were interested in discovering________. A.the pattern of the disease B.the signs of yellow fever C.the kind of people who get the disease D.how monkeys stay healthy 8.An interesting finding in this story is that_________. A.only one type of mosquitoes carries yellow fever B.at least two types of mosquitoes carry yellow fever C.any mosquitoes can carry the disease D.monkeys are necessary in keeping yellow fever going 9.An important thought you might get from reading this story is that doctors studying a disease must_________. A.be ready for unexpected thingsB.always go into the j ungles C.work mostly with animalsD.be interested only in humans 10.The use of monkeys in the virus experiments was_______. A.badB.very fortunate C a pure accident D.not necessary 11.In the given paragraph find the word that best fits the meaning below.Write the word. 1.achieved(Para.1) 2.part or area(Para.3) 3.flew freely(Para.4) 4.swarm(Para.4)
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