出版时间:2006-02-01 出版社:湖南师范大学 作者:朱香奇 页数:198
商务英语写作是高职商务英语专业或外贸英语专业必修的核心课程之一。多年来,多数高职学校借用本科教材,由于高职与普通本科教育在培养目标上有较大的差异,教学要求和课时分配也有较大的不同,本科教材不可能完全符合高职要求;同时,本科教材内容偏多,理论偏深,也给教与学带来了一定困难。实践证明,盲目借用本科教材,弊多利少,严重影响教学质量。为此,我们特组织一批有着多年教学经验的一线老师,本着立足高职、服务高职的原则,编写这本《高职高专通用教材:实用商务英语写作教程》。 《高职高专通用教材:实用商务英语写作教程》分商务和社交写作两大部分,其中商务部分包括商贸联系、代理、咨询、销售、询盘、报价、报盘、订购、包装、装运、保险、付款、投诉等;社交部分包括邀请、致谢与道歉、祝贺与祝福、鼓励与安慰、欢迎与辞别、预约与预定等具体商务实务写作。全书编排有序,条理清晰。 《高职高专通用教材:实用商务英语写作教程》案例详实,理论精简,突出实践。 另外,为了培养学生学习的主动与创造性,所有练习不附参考答案。
Part One Business CommunicationsChapter 1 Introduction1 Parts of business letters2 Email3 Writing rules for business communicationsExercisesChapter 2 Business Relations1 Introduction2 Initiation3 Establishing a business relationshipExercisesChapter 3 Agency1 Asking for sole agency and replying2 Seeking agency and replying3 Agency agreements4 Granting attomeyship5 Offering terms for consideration6 Confirming the terms of agencyExercisesChapter 4 Consultation1 Consultation of credit2 Consultation of suggestions3 Letters of thanks after consultationExercisesChapter 5 Sales Letters1 Intrigue or entertain2 Support or assure3 Propose or deal4 Touch or patExercisesChapter 6 InquiryInquiryExercisesChapter 7 QuotationQuotationExercisesChapter 8 Offers & Responses1 Offer2 Refusing to accept the offer3 Acceptance4 CounterofferExercisesCbapter 9 Orders & Responses1 Order2 Dealing with ordersExercisesChapter 10 Packing & Marking1 Packing2 MarkingExercisesChapter 11 SlupmentShipmentExercisesChapter 12 Insurance ……Part Two Social Communications
Business communications are usually in the form of commercial correspondences,called foreign trade letters in our country,which refer to various kinds of English mails exchanged by the foreign trade companies(enterprises)and persons in the foreign trade activity。Business English letters are important for foreign trade。Foreign trade personnel should not only understand but also be good at business English letters。 Compared with ordinary mails,business English letters have their special forms,regular commercial terms and specific commercial conventional terms。Because of differences between east culture and west culture, business English letters are very different in the form and content from Chinese letters。With the development of computer science,most business communications are realized in terms of e-mails at home and abroad。 1 Parts of business letters Most business letters have seven standard parts。They are letterhead, reference and date,inside address,salutation,body,complimentary close,and signature。When appropriate,any of the following optional items can be included。Attention line,subject line,file or account number,enclosures,carbon copy notation,mailing notation and postscript。 1.1 Letterhead Letterhead designs vary with business organizations and occupy the top of the first page。They may be positioned at the center or at the left margin of the top of the page。A business letterhead,usually printed,contains all or some of the following elements:The company’s name, address, postcode,telephone number,telex number,fax number,the name of the officer or the director and even some pictures or slogans for a symbol of the company。 1.2 Reference and date A typewritten date is necessarily included in the heading。 The date is usually placed two lines below the last line of the letterhead at the left margin for full block style or ending with the right margin for indented style。It is usual to show the date in the order day/month/year(English Practice)or month/day/year(American Practice)。Avoid giving a date in figures and abbreviations。 1.3 Inside address The inside address is typed directly below the date line at the left hand margin。The inside address of a letter to an individual consists of the person’s courtesy title,name,business or executive title(it should be used immediately after the name)and address。 When the letter is to a group,the inside address includes the full group name and the address。 Care should be taken_to address the recipient exactly as on the envelope。 ……