出版时间:2002-11-20 出版社:上海外语教育出版社 作者:布雷恩,,,英国 编 页数:310
《外语教学法丛书之3:课堂教学决策》的书名是《课堂教学决策》,但是《外语教学法丛书之3:课堂教学决策》并不是讨论教师如何作出“课堂教学决策”,而是阐述如何使学生参与“课堂教学决策”,由此引出一个近年来在外语教学中出现的一个概念,即语言教学中的“协商”(negotiation)的定义是什么、如何实现教师和学生在外语学习中的“协商”、在“协商”过程中会出现什么问题、如何解决这些问题等。 本书正是围绕上述问题的探讨而收集的一部论文集,汇集了近二十位语言教学研究方面的资深教授和专家的论文。本书主编M.P.布雷恩(M.P.Breen)是苏格兰斯特灵大学的语言教育学教授及英语语言教学中心主任,另一位主编A.利特尔约翰(A.Littlejohn)目前任教于伦敦大学教育学院,已编辑出版多部教材。 本书收集了18篇论文,第一篇首先详述了课堂教学中“协商”这一概念的起源,追溯了语言教学交际法、合作性的语言学习的价值、以学习者为中心的理念、自主学习和学生参与课堂教学决策等教学原理的发展。本章也概述了强调学习过程的教学大纲的基本框架,及其如何在课堂教学中实践的有关问题。
ContributorsAcknowledgementsIntroduction and overview1 The sigruficance ofnegotiationPart 1 Accounts of practice in primary and secondary schools Overview2 Negotiated evaluation in a primary ESL context3 Negotiating assessment with secondary-schoolpupils4 Introducing negotiation processes: an experiment with creative project work5 We do what we like': negotiated classroom work with Hungarian children6 Is a negotiated syllabus feasible within a national curriculum?7 Refining negotiated classroom work in a Spanish secondary schoolPart 2 Accounts of praaice in tertiary institutions Overview8 Negotiation in tertiary education: clashes with the dominant educational culture9 Syllabus negotiation in a school of nursing 10 Negotiating the syllabus:learning needs analysis through pictures11 Reality therapy: using negotiated work in a techriical-writing class12 Negotiation of outcome: evaluation and revision decisions in the writing curriculum13 Learners, practitioners, teachers: diamond spotting and negotiating role boundariesPart 3 Accounts ofpractice in teacher education Overview14 A process syllabus in a methodology course: experiences,beliefs, challenges15 Discourse, process and reflection in teacher education16 Negotiation, process, content and partiapants' experience in a process syllabus for ELT professionals17 Negotiation as a participatory dialogue Conclusions18 The practicalities ofnegotiationReferencesIndex
Much of the research on language classrooms reveals that many learners are placed in a responsive and seemingly passive role {Chaudron,工988;van Lier, 1988, Breen, 1998). In such circumstances, learners are positioned like children who may seek to conform to a teacher's expectations and may even underachieve in order to do this. This passive conformity can be misinterpreted by the teacher as a lack of sufficient background knowledge, an unformed learning agenda or a lack of the capacity to participate in decision-making. However, all learners bring prior knowledge and capability to learning and further understanding is sought on the basis of what is already known and not merely given. Negotiation provides a context in which opportunities exist for learners to articufate and, thereby, refine their prior under-standings, purposes and intentions as reference points for new learning. All learning also requires intention and decision and, as the humanist psychologists discovered, learners work harder if they can explore and articulate their own ideas,ask their own questions and seek their own answers. Psychologists such as Kelly, Maslow and Vygotsky (see pre-vious section) all identified deeper learning as a gradual quest. Learners need time and space to think things through and to talk, read, write and act themselves into new understandings. They need to confront willingly the risk of the problematic and to identify uncertainties. They also need a sense of continuity and progress and this requires ongoing reflection at appropriate moments. None of these requirements are likely to be attained by a learner without support and feedback from others and negotiating new understandings, uncertainties and evaluative reflections with a group of other people who are sharing the learning experience can clearly provide such support. ……