
出版时间:2002-10  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:叶胜年  页数:234  字数:219000  


“大学生英语文库”是一套面向中国学生的英语系列读物,各本均为注释性读本。    《欧洲历史名人》概述了从欧洲文明起始时期直至普法战争后二十余年整个欧洲历史上一系列重要人物和重大事件,勾画了欧洲历史的总进程。    本书史料翔实、语言地道、注释细致,适合文理各科大学生和研究生及广大英语自学者学习之用。读者在了解欧洲的历史、文化的同时,可以细细品味纯正的英语,掌握大量有关的英语词汇。


PART I The Beginnings of European Civilisation  1 The Greatness of Athens  2 The Greatness of Sparta  3 Greek Thought and Art  4 The Source of Rome’s Greatness  5 Rome’s Great Rival  6 Julius Caesar  7 The Roman EmperorsPART II The Middle Ages and the Rise of European Nationali—ties  8 Constantine and the Triumph of Christianity  9 The Coming of the Barbarians and Charles the Hammer  10 Charles the Great  11 Hildebrand:Pope Gregory VII  12 Frederick Barbarossa  13 Saladin and the Crusades  14 S.Francis and the Revival of Religion  15 S.Louis  16 Russia and the Tartar Invasion  17 The Growth of the Towns  18 The Hundred Years’War and Jeanne DarcPART III Modern History  Introduction   19 The Greatness of Spain and Isabella of Castile  20 Christopher Columbus  21 Luther and the Reformation  22 The Revolt of the Netherlands and William the Silent.Prince of Orange  23 Henry IV.of France   24 The Thirty Years’War and Gustavus Adolphus  25 Louis XIV.of France  26 Peter the Great  27 Frederick the Great.King of Prussia   28 The French Revolution   29 Napoleon Bonaparte  30 Victor Emmanuel  31 Bismarck and German Unity




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  •   都是原著里的,不是中国人写的,所以看起来比较放心,不会有chinglish~~嘿嘿

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