
出版时间:2002-8  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:张定铨 编  页数:482  




Chapter 1 The Beginning Period of English Literature I The Seminal Period II The Transitional Period III Three Major Poets in 14th-Century EnglandChapter 2 The Glory of Poetry:From Sidney to Pope I Overview II Major Poets of the Elizabethan Age III Metaphysical Poets IV John Milton V The NeoclassicistsChapter 3 The Golden Age of English Drama I Origins and Influences II The Elizabethan Dramatists Who Influenced Shakespeare III William Shakespeare IV Other Major Dramatists of the PeriodChapter 4  The Beauty of Prose :From Malory to Pepys ……Chapter 5 The Rise of the NovelChapter 6 A False World:English Dream from Dryden to SheridanChapter 7 Emotion and Nature in Romantic PoetryChapter 8 Female Novelists in 19th-Century EnglandChapter 9 Social Images in 19th-Century English NovelsChapter 10 Satirical Voices and Humanistic Concerns:English Prose in the 18th and 19th CenturiesChapter 11 Various Moods in 19th-Century English PoetryChapter 12 Social Life on the Stage:English Drama from Wilde to O'CaseyChapter 13 The Erosion of Confidence:Major Novelists in the Late 19th and Early 20th CentruiesChapter 14 The Unseen Reality;The Stream of Consciousness NovelsChapter 15 The New Poetry in the 20th CenturyChapter 16 Spiritual Crisis and Moral Tension:20th-Century Novels before 1950Chapter 17 Despair and Absurdity in Contemporary English DramaChapter 18 Diversified Topics in Contemporary English NovelsBibliographyIndex


  Arnold's concept of culture includes the political, the social and the religious aspects of life. In fact, he was advocat-ing that culture, not class struggle, or violent revolution,should be the most effective way to cure the ills of a sick society. He thought that the future of England belonged to the middle classes. But unfortunately they were narrow minded and corrupted by materialism and therefore the world was in fact dominated by a group of people who were not qualified enough to play a leading role in the development of society. He criticized them sharply, calling them the "Philistines." He desired to awake these people, making them aware of the importance of improving themselves culturally.  In Essays in Criticism (1865 and 1888) Arnold expressed his understanding of the social function of an artist in the Victorian Age. To him, literary criticism means a great deal more than simple book-reviewing. Good criticism is "a disinterested endeavor to learn and propagate the best that is known and thought in the world, and thus to establish a current of fresh and true ideas. " So critics have the responsibility to help people "see the object as in itself it really is." Thus, the scope of criticism extends beyond literature; criticism has a social function to foster the sublime spirit of the age.  Arnold wrote prose as gracefully as he wrote poetry. He had a talent to invent memorable phrases to add attraction to his thought. He was eager to change the world as a social reformer yet he never failed to provide delight to his reader when he explained the thought.  ……






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  •   内容比较简单 是一本值得学习的教材
  •   很详细,按时间的顺序讲了英国的作家及其作品,还有其影响。
  •   非常满意 , 书很好 , 希望自己不要辜负了买书时的愿望,按说此书我都有不同版本的,但是经同学介绍,还是又买了一本。只要好好学,everything is OK。
  •   内容,排版还行,印刷不好
  •   本来是当课本买来的,不过这学期用不上,所以没看内容。发货挺快的
  •   刚开始看的时候觉得还好,越往后看觉得越杂乱。不是按照年代编的,有点理不清头绪。如果看到3遍以上估计就好了吧。没办法,考研指定书目

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