出版时间:2001-10-01 出版社:上海外语教育出版社 作者:努南 页数:284
《学习者为中心的课程设置:第二语言教学研究》系“剑桥应用语言学丛书”之一。该丛书精选自剑桥大学出版社出版的语言学和应用语言学专著,与“牛津应用语言学丛书”相辅相成,相得益彰。 《学习者为中心的课程设置:第二语言教学研究》是一部有关第二语言教学中课程设置的学术专著,向读者展示了英语语言教学领域中的课程设置理论和实践,贯穿于全书的主题是“以学习者为中心”的理念。本书的诸多研究实例对我国英语语言教学的研究具有借鉴作用。书中介绍的课程设置采用“自下而上”的模式,及课程设置不是简单地按照课程设置专家、学者所提出的理论,而是基于观察与研究语言教师在计划、实施和评估语言课程过程中的实际举措和想法。书中所提供的一系列研究实例进一步阐述和论证了本书提出的理论模式。
Series Editors' PrefacePreface xiIntroduction 1.1 Preamble 1.2 Linguistics and Language Teaching 1.3 Learner-Centred Curriculum Development1.4 The Curriculum Process 1.5 The Structure of the Study 1.6 Conclusion Curriculum Processes 2.1 Traditional Approaches to the Curriculum 2.2 ESL and Curriculum Planning 2.3 Summary Learner-Centred Curriculum Development 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Theoretical Bases for Learner-Centred Curricula 3.3 Communicative Language Teaching and Learner-CentredCurricula 3.4 Communicative Language Teaching - The Teacher'sPerspective 3.5 The Concept of Language Proficiency 3.6 Towards a Generalised Language CurriculumFramework 3.7 The Teacher and the Curriculum 3.8 Summary Pre-Course Planning Procedures 4.1 Introduction 4.2 The Starting Point 4.3 Needs Analysis 4.4 Participants in Pre-Course Planning Procedures 4.5 Grouping Learners 4.6 Resources for Planning 4.7 Investigating Needs-Analysis Procedures 4.8 Conclusion 5 Planning Content 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Content Selection - An Empirical Investigation 5.3 Analytical Approaches to Content Specification 5.4 Deriving Content from Learner Data 5.5 Grading Content 5.6 Conclusion 6 Methodology 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Methodology and Communicative Language Teaching 6.3 Acquisition in the Classroom 6.4 Stimulating Classroom Acquisition 6.5 Methodology in a Learner-Centred Curriculum 6.6 Negotiating Learning Activities 6.7 Conclusion 7 Resources for a Learner-Centred Curriculum 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Materials in a Learner-Centred Curriculum 7.3 The Community as a Resource 7.4 The Teacher as Developer of Resources 7.5 Conclusion Assessment and Evaluation 8.1 The Place of Evaluation in the Curriculum 8.2 Some Key Concepts in Evaluation 8.3 Some Key Questions in Evaluation 8.4 The Assessment of Second-Language Proficiency 8.5 Techniques for Self-Assessment 8.6 Conclusion Evaluation and Professional Development 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Evaluation and the Planning Process 9.3 Evaluation and the Implemented Curriculum 9.4 Evaluation and the Assessed Curriculum 9.5 Causes of Learner Failure 9.6 Evaluation and Teacher Development 9.7 Conclusion 10 The Teacher as Curriculum Developer 10.1 Introduction 10.2 The Teacher as Curriculum DeveloperA National Study 10.3 Future Directions 10.4 Conclusion References Appendix Subject Index Author Index