
出版时间:2007-11  出版社:对外经济贸易大学出版社  作者:杜金榜  页数:370  




第一册  Unit 1   Introduction to Law  Unit 2   Sources of Law  Unit 3   Legal Systems  Unit 4   Morality and Equality in Law  Unit 5   Law and Society  Unit 6   Legislation  Unit 7   Justice  Unit 8   The Judicial System in the United States  Unit 9   The Legal Profession  Unit 10  The Judge and the Jury  Unit 11  Criminal Law  Unit 12  The Adversary System and the Inquisitorial System  Unit 13  Legal Environment of Business  Unit 14  The Law of Tort and Intellectual Property  Unit 15  The Contract and Property  Unit 16  Legal Reform第二册  Unit 1   The Legal Environment of International Trade  Unit 2   The Legal Framework of the WTO  Unit 3  The Contract  Unit 4   Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods  Unit 5   International Trade Custom  Unit 6   International Carriage of Goods  Unit 7   Cargo Insurance  Unit 8   Payments in International Sales  Unit 9   International Transfer of Technology  Unit 10  Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights  Unit 11  TRIPS  Unit 12  Trade in Services (GATS)  Unit 13  International Investment  Unit 14  International Finance Law  Unit 15  International Taxation Law  Unit 16  Settlement of International Dispute第三册  Unit 1  Applicable Law  Unit 2  WTO's Non-discrimination Principle  Unit 3  Law of Contract  Unit 4  Force Majeure  Unit 5  International Trade Terms  Unit 6  International Carriage of Goods  Unit 7  Cargo Insurance  Unit 8  Payments in International Sales  Unit 9  Domain Name Dispute  Unit 10  Protection of Trademark Rights  Unit 11  Intellectual Property Rights  Unit 12  Trade in services  Unit 13  International Investment  Unit 14  Letter of Credit Fraud  Unit 15  International Taxation  Unit 16  settlement of International Dispute



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