
出版时间:2007-9  出版社:对外经济贸易大学出版社  作者:鲁瑛  页数:207  




Unit 1 English Letters Outline  Commonly used vocabulary Commonly used sentence patterns Samples  Sample 1 Letter of Booking a Room  Sample 2 Letters of Invitation  Sample 3 Letter of Congratulations  Sample 4 Letter of Consolation  Sample 5 Letter of Appreciation  Sample 6 Letter of Inquiry  Sample 7 Letter of Reply  Sample 8 Letter of Complaint  Sample 9 Letter of Job Application  Sample 10 Letter of Job Termination  Sample 11 Letter of Recommendation  Sample 12 Letter of Introduction  Sample 13 Letter of Application PracticeUnit 2 Posters Outline Commonly used vocabulary Commonly used sentence patterns Samples  Sample 1 Basketball Match  Sample 2 Speech Contest  Sample 3 Film News  Sample 4 Advance Notice of a TV Program PracticeUnit 3 Cards Outline Commonly used vocabulary Commonly used sentence patterns Samples  Sample 1 Name Cards  Sample 2 Greeting Cards  Sample 3 Invitation Cards  Sample 4 Card to Accept an Invitation  Sample 5 Card to Decline an Invitation  Sample 6 ID Card (Identity Card)  Sample 7 Employee's Card  Sample 8 Student's ID Card PracticeUnit 4 Certificates Outline Commonly used vocabulary Commonly used sentence patterns Samples  Sample 1 Marriage Certificate  Sample 2 Graduation Certificate   Sample 3 Birth Certificate  Sample 4 Doctor's Certificate   Sample 5 Retirement Certificate PracticeUnit 5 Messages Outline  Commonly used vocabulary Commonly used sentence patterns Samples  Sample 1 Telephone Messages  Sample 2 Note for Asking for Leave  Sample 3 Note for Making an Appointment   Sample 4 Message for Saying Good-bye  Sample 5 Message on the Blackboard PracticeUnit 6 Announcements Outline Commonly used vocabulary Commonly used sentence patterns Samples  Sample 1 Lost  Sample 2 Found  Sample 3 Notice of Engagement  Sample 4 Person Missing  Sample 5 Contributions Wanted  Sample 6 Clerk Wanted Notice  Sample 7 Notice for House Renting  Sample 8 Marriage Wanted PracticeUnit 7 Bills & Forms Outline  Commonly used vocabulary Samples  Sample 1 I.O.U. Form  Sample 2 Form of Receipt  Sample 3 Note  Sample 4 Resume PracticeUnit 8 Broadcast Announcements Outtine  Commonly used vocabulary Commonly used sentence patterns Samples  Sample 1 Broadcast Announcement of a Party  Sample 2 Broadcast Announcement of Airlines Flight  Sample 3 Broadcast Announcement on a Train  Sample 4 Broadcast Announcement of an Urgency  Sample 5 Weather. Forecast  Sample 6 Telephone Announcement PracticeUnit 9 Memos & Diaries Outline Commonly used vocabulary Commonly used sentence patterns Samples  Sample 1 Memo  Sample 2 Business Memo  Sample 3 Diaries PracticeUnit 10 Speeches Outline Commonly used vocabulary Commonly used sentence patterns Samples  Sample 1 Welcoming Speech  Sample 2 Send-off Speech  Sample 3 Opening Address  Sample 4 Closing Address PracticeUnit 11 Notices Outline Commonly used vocabulary Commonly used sentence patterns Samples  Sample 1 Notice of a Meeting  Sample 2 Notice of a Speech  Sample 3 Notice of Some Activities  Sample 4 Notice of a Visit  Sample 5 Notice of a Holiday  Sample 6 Notice of Employment  Sample 7 Notice of a Decision  Sample 8 Notice of Election Results PracticeUnit 12 Ads & Instructions Outline Commonly used vocabulary Commonly used sentence patterns Samples  Sample 1 Advertisements  Sample 2 Instructions PracticeUnit 13 Contracts Outline Commonly used vocabulary Commonly used sentence patterns Samples  Sample 1 Business Contract  Sample 2 Employment Contracts PracticeUnit 14 Faxes & Emails Outline Commonly used vocabulary Commonly used sentence patterns Samples  Sample 1 E-mail  Sample 2 Reply to an E-mail  Sample 3 Fax Practice Translation of SamplesKey to PracticeAppendices




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  •   买错了以为是非英语专业的但挺增加知识面的
  •   在学校买不到课本只能网购了……无奈!
  •   代买教参,自己没看,不好乱评。
  •   学校老师推荐买的。而且推荐在当当上面买哦~~~~但是第一次买有点紧张,不清楚流程。多有遗忘请谅解。书很美好。
  •   书到得挺快,质量不错
  •   价格实惠且质量还不错
  •   还没全看。
  •   总体编排上还可以,就是例子给的不多,而且格式方面也没有讲,只是每一种信给一个例子而已!
  •   这是买过的最无耻的书,一个应用文列一个例子,一个翻译练习,这样出书简直就是害人,什么乱七八糟的玩意啊,还那么贵推荐上外出版的《英语应用文写作》破书,绝对亲身感受,不是恶意诽谤

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