
出版时间:2007-8  出版社:外经贸大学  作者:滕美荣 编  页数:235  




Unit 1 Friends  Text A My Friend Henry  TextB One ataTime Song AppreciationUnit 2 Sports Text A Sports Text B Sports and Games Song AppreciationUnit 3 Music Text A Musical Styles Text B Musical Chairs Song AppreciationUnit 4 Culture Text A Culture Shock Text B Foreign Customs and Habits Song AppreciationUnit 5 Traveling Text A Transportation and Traveling Text B Traveling in the Jungle Song AppreciationUnit 6 Health Text A Health and Fitness Text B Living a Long Life Song AppreciationUnit 7 People and Colors Text A People and Colors Text B How Colors Affect Your Moods and Health Song AppreciationUnit 8 Famous People Text A Helen Keller Text B Alfred Nobel -- a Man of Contrasts Song AppreciationUnit 9 Growing Up Text A Growing Roots Text B Mother's Hands Song AppreciationUnit 10 Time Text A Clocks Through Time Text B The Watch Song AppreciationFinal Test Paper 1Final Test Paper 2Final Test Paper 3Final Test Paper 4Final Test Paper 5Final Test Paper 6Key to the PracticeKey to Final Test Papers



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