出版时间:2007-6 出版社:对外经济贸易大学出版社 作者:武姜生
本书采用基于语料库的多维度分析方法,探讨了英语语域变异与语境因素的关系。语域变异研究,即对不同语域的对比分析,是语篇分析的重要内容。以往的语域变异研究大多集中于分析语域在某一个维度上的差异。由语料库语言学家Douglas Biber创立的多维度语域变异分析模式(简称MD模式)利用语料库技术,对语域变异进行多维度的分析描写。MD研究的最大特点是强调描写的多维性。 本书主要内容有MD研究的背景、目的、意义、论述了MD分析模式与系统功能语言学模式的共通之出、描述了多维度语域变异分析的结果并对语域变异特征进行了分析和阐释,揭示了语域变异与语境因素的多维关系。
武姜生,文学博士,对外经济贸易大学英语学院副教授,硕士生导师。 主要研究兴趣为语篇学、功能语言学、语言学习研究以及基于语料库的语言研究等。
序导读PrefaceChapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 Survey of Literature2.1 Overview of previous studies on register variation2.2 The Multi-dimensional approach to register variation2.3 The advantages of the MD analysis2.4 The Systemic-functional approach2.5 Terminologies in the present study:register,genre and text types2.6 The model of context for the present analysis2.7 Common ground between SFL and the MD approach2.8 Probabilistic grammar2.9 Review of the MD studies2.10 Overview of register studies in systemic tradition2.11 Gaps in the literature and the need for the integrated Approach2.12 SummaryChapter 3 Research Design3.1 Text selection3.2 Variables for the study:linguistic features3.3 Systemic coder as the tagging tool3.4 Procedure of the research3.5 SummaryChapter 4 Dimensions of Variations among the Registers4.1 Interpretation of the dimensions4.2 Variations of the registers along dimensions4.3 Extending the description:a cluster analysis of the register relations across dimensions4.4 Generalizations4.5 SummaryChapter 5 Linguistic Functions,Context and Register Variation5.1 Introduction:the co-occurring features revisited5.2 Functionality of co-occurring linguistic features on Dimension 15.3 Functionality of co-occurring linguistic features on Dimension 25.4 Functionality of co-occurring linguistic features on Dimension 35.5 Functionality of co-occurring linguistic features on Dimension 45.6 Functionality Of co-occurring linguistic features on Dimension 55.7 Functionality Of co-occurring linguistic features on Dimension 65.8 Dimensional relations and functionality of linguistic features5.9 Register variations and cognitive function of the linguistic features5.10 SummaryChapter 6 Conclusions6.1 Summary of the Major Findings and Contributions6.2 Theoretical implications6.3 Limitations and future researchAppendix I Sources of the Texts Used in the StudyAppendix II Multi-dimensional profiles of each registerBibliography
本书采用基于语料库的多维度分析方法,探讨了英语语域变异与语境因素的关系。语域变异研究,即对不同语域的对比分析,是语篇分析的重要内容。以往的语域变异研究大多集中于分析语域在某一个维度上的差异。由语料库语言学家Douglas Biber创立的多维度语域变异分析模式(简称MD模式)利用语料库技术,对语域变异进行多维度的分析描写。MD研究的最大特点是强调描写的多维性。 本书主要内容有MD研究的背景、目的、意义、论述了MD分析模式与系统功能语言学模式的共通之出、描述了多维度语域变异分析的结果并对语域变异特征进行了分析和阐释,揭示了语域变异与语境因素的多维关系。