出版时间:2006-11 出版社:对外经济贸易大学 作者:赵立民 编 页数:207
本书共十五课,内容包括:出口贸易各环节准备、贸易磋商、商品品质、包装、唛头、价格、装运、交货、制单、保险、支付、商检、索赔、其他贸易方式、对外交往礼仪及进口贸易简介,同时配以贸易各环节的单据样本、图表及图示,以加强读者形象了解和领会。 本书课文、词汇和练习是有机结合的统一体。词汇是外经贸常用专业词汇,练习则以不同的方式加强对课文的理解和应用。 本书可作为高等院校国际贸易相关专业的专业英语教材或阅读教材,也可供从事外经贸专业的工作者和研究人员学习参考之用。
Introduction Reasons for International TradeLesson One Preparations for ExportLesson Two Business Negotiation in Export TradeLesson Three Quality and Quantity of GoodsLesson Four Export Packing and MarkingLesson Five Price Terms of ExportLesson Six Delivery, Shipment and TransportLesson Seven Shipping DocumentsLesson Eight Bill of Lading and Air WaybillLesson Nine Marine Cargo InsuranceLesson Ten Export PaymentLesson Eleven Commodity Inspection and Customs FormalitiesLesson Twelve Settlement of DisputesLesson Thirteen Other Common Methods of TradeLesson Fourteen Business Entertainment, Customs and EtiquetteLesson Fifteen Import Transactions