出版时间:2004-9 出版社:北京航空航天大学出版社 作者:勒梅琳 页数:285
《工商管理外语阅读教程系列丛书:国际商务文化英语选读》所选的国外原版阅读文章,涵盖了工商管理专业核心课程的重要领域,反映了当前许多国外工商管理学科最前沿的知识信息。专业语言的语料具有原汁原味的真实性,它能使学生所获取的专业英语技能在将来的工作中具有实用性。借助本套丛书,读者们能够跟踪了解工商管理科学发展的最新动态。 《工商管理外语阅读教程系列丛书:国际商务文化英语选读》给出了该专业学生应掌握的核心理论知识。为使学生们所学的专业领域中的语言知识得到应用、巩固、扩展和提高,课文后均配有大量的练习。
Chapter 1 What Is Culture, AnywayChapter 2 The Effects of Culture ShockChapter 3 Culture Shock and the Expatriate ManagerChapter 4 Variations in Cultural ValuesChapter 5 Body Language and Nonverbal SymbolsChapter 6 Multicultural Work Group and LeadershipChapter 7 Global Dress CodesChapter 8 Humor Across CulturesChapter 9 The Internal Environment: Corporate CultureChapter 10 Cross-Cultural NegotiationsChapter 11 Guides to Good International CommunicationChapter 12 Decision-Making and Business EthicsChapter 13 Women in Global BusinessChapter 14 Bamers to Cultural AdaptationChapter 15 Culture and Sales Management附录- KEY TO THE EXERCISES附录二 参考文献一览表
International business can be interesting and rewarding. It can also be frustrating and confusing. Keeping these simple rules in mind can help you prevent costly and embarrassing mistakes. 3. Use simple terms but attempt to be specific as well. Some of the simplest words might be interpreted within the context of each situation in which they are used (e.g., fast has several meanings). Likewise, avoid use of superlatives such as fantastic and terrific because they may be misinterpreted as overly dramatic or insincere. Also avoid overly formal and difficult expressions that may be confusing or considered pompous; e. g., pursuant to your request or ostentatious. 4. Follow the same techniques for increasing readability you would use in writing to someone fluent in English: Write short, simple sentences containing only one idea, and construct short paragraphs that focus on developing one major idea. 5. Use the message planning principles you will learn in this course. In addition,learn the subtle differences in the ways different cultures organize messages,especially those presenting bad news. For example, Germans tend to be more direct with bad news, but other cultures avoid negative messages or camouflage them so expertly that the reader might not recognize them. 6. Use graphics, visual aids, and forms whenever possible because they simplify the message. 7. Use figures for numbers. This system is almost universal. Keep in mind,however, that most people in the world use the metric system. Be aware of differences in the way numbers are written. For example, ¥2,400.00 in the United States is written as 2400,00 in other countries. ……