
出版时间:2007-4  出版社:黑龙江哈尔滨工程大学  作者:李庆章  页数:226  


本书是为高等院校农业工程专业学生编写的专业英语教材,共分18个单元,内容包括农业机械化及其自动化、农业电气化及其自动化等方面。    全书共分18个单元,每个单元分为Part A精读部分和Part B泛读部分,每课配有专业词汇表,注释与练习,并辅以参考译文和参考答案。    本书既可做本科生的专业英语教材,也可为农业工程类专业技术人员提供参考资料。


Unit 1  Part A Fundamentals of Mechanical Design  Part B Design HintsUnit 2  Part A Engineering Design and Safely Factors  Part B Design MethodologyUnit 3  Part A Engineering Drawings and Dimensions  Part B Milling MethodsUnit 4  Part A Machine tools  Part B Secondary Production ProcessesUnit 5  Part A Development from CAD/CAM to CIM  Part B Tomorrow's Manufacturing TechnologiesUnit 6  Part A The Basic Principle of Hydraulic System  Part B Engine System Unit 7  Part A The Fundamental Theory of Automobile Engine  Part B Clutch Unit 8  Part A Layout of an Automobile  Part B An Introduction of Farm TractorUnit 9  Part A Moldboard Plows  Part B An Introduction to Precision FarmingUnit 10  Part A Electrostatic Forces and the Structure of Matter  Part B The Diode as a Circuit ElementUnit 11  Part A Electric Current--Eelectromotive Force--PotentialDifference--Conductors and Insulators--Ohm's Law  Part B Transistor CharacteristicsUnit 12  Part A Electrical Energy and Power--Electric Circuits  Part B Graphical Analysis of the CE Configuration of Low-Frequency AmplifiersUnit 13  Part A Electrostatics--Electric Fields--Capacitance--Capacitors  Part B Sequential Digital SystemsUnit 14  Part A Magnetism  Part B Periodic SignalsUnit 15  Part A Magnetic Flux--Permeability--Magnetic Circuits--Induced Electromotive Force--Self and Mutual Inductances  Part B The Fourier TransformUnit 16  Part A Alternating Currents and Voltages  Part B The Laplace TransformUnit 17  Part A Phasors and Complex Calculations--A. C. Power and Power Factor  Part B The Introduction of Artificial Neural Systems Unit 18  Part A Transformers  Part B Comparing Real and Artificial Neural Systems参考译文Keys to Exercises参考文献


  glass fibcrs in a plastic binder,or inorganic crystal needles in a metal matrix(metal matrix composites)are also materials systems.In the context of failure as we have discussed,it is important to realize that failure cannot onlyoccur Within a regime(a component in a connected arrangement) but at the connectionitseU.sothe inferface is also a pad of the system and must be considered in the context of the weakest linkcorollary and Murphy's law.Failure Drevention is certainly not a hopeless issue even in very complex materials system,but it d0 esrequire a great deal of test,evaluation,and fundamental understanding of materialsbehavior under a variety of conditions.Selecting optimum conditions,underutilizing components ina sYstcm(desiCning for the weakest link and employing safety factors),introducing safety.factorsconsideration for environmental changes and even bizarre conditions of use-au contribute to Successful applications of products.One need only to take a glimpse at the technology around us to appreciate how SuccesSful We have been in designing efficient,dependable,and useful products andficture.  ……?



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