出版时间:2006-3 出版社:黑龙江哈尔滨工程大学 作者:宋艳 页数:161 字数:193000
本书作为管理信息系统的英语读物,重点在于介绍基本概念和理念,因此,全书分为四部分依次叙述了信息时代的基本概念、信息系统与管理的概况;计算机硬件、计算机软件、数据存储与处理、数据库、数据仓库、数据挖掘、通信与网络、因特网、内部网与外部网等信息技术;管理信息系统、决策支持系统、电子商务等信息系统应用及管理信息系统的开发;管理新系统、社会与个人的关系。 本书既可以作为管理信息系统相关领域专业技术人员、高级管理人员的参考用书,也可以作为高等院校电子商务或相关专业的专业英语阅读教材,或者相关企业的培训教材。
Part One Organizational Foundations of Information Systems Unit 1 Information Age Unit 2 Introduction to Information Systems Unit 3 Information Systems, Organizations and Business Processes Unit 4 Information, Management and Decision MakingPart Two Information Technology Unit 5 Computer Hardware Unit 6 Computer Software Unit 7 Data Store and Processing Unit 8 Database Unit 9 Data Warehouse Unit 10 Data Mining Unit 11 Telecommunications and Networks Unit 12 The Intemet, Intranet and ExtranetPart Three Information Systems Applications Unit 13 Management Information Systems Unit 14 Decision Supporting System Unit 15 Electronic Commerce Unit 16 Development of Management Information SystemsPart Four Management Information System, Society and You Unit 17 Information System and Society Unit 18 Information System and YouIndexReferences
插图:Modem organizations ate said to be drowning in data but starving for information.Thisstatement seem8 to portray quite accurately the situation in many organizations.Why so?Let’Sexamine two important reassons why there is an information gap in most organizations.The first reason for the information gap is the fragmented way in which orgationshave developed information systems and their supporting databases for many years。Theemphasis in this text is on a carefully planned,architectmal approach to systems developmentthat should produce an integrated set of databases.However,in fact,constraints on time andIcsmIm make most organizations to resort to a“one.thing-at.a.time”approach to develQpingislands of information systems.This approach inevitably produces a hodgepodge ofuncoordinated and often inconsistent databases.Usually databases aJS based on a variety ofhardware and software platforms.In this environment it will be extremely diflicult if it ispossible for manges to locate and use accurate information,which must be synthesized acI'06Sthese various systems of record.The second reason for the information gap is that most systems ale developed to supportoperational processing'with little or no thought given to the information or anal~cal toolsneeded for decision making.Operational processing,also called transaction processing couldcapture,store and manipulate data to support daily operations of the organizations.Informationprocessing is the analysis of data or other forms of information to support decision making.The performed processing and the types of required data are very different from those twotypes of processing,which will be explained in the following section.Most systems that aledeveloped intemally or purchased from outside vendors are designed to support operationalprocessing without thinking about informational processing.