
出版时间:2004-9  出版社:哈尔滨工程大学出版社  作者:田力  页数:239  


  《21世纪管理专业英语系列教程:金融与保险专业英语》精选原版美英专业教材与论文,语言地道、规范,内容逻辑严谨、体系规整,有助于大学金融与保险专业学生的专业课学习,为双语教学打好基础。   本教材由26个单元组成,1至5单元为简单经济学基础知识,主要是为学生接下来的学习做好铺垫;6至16单元为金融专业知识;17至26单元为保险专业知识。另外,每单元均附有课文详解及练习,帮助学生熟练地掌握课文内容。   本书适于大学本科金融与保险专业学生作为专业英语教材使用,也适于具有一定专业知识和英语水平的读者自学使用。


Unit 1 EconomicsUnit 2 The Three Basic Questions of EconomicsUnit 3 Two Party ExchangeUnit 4 What Economics is AboutUnit 5 Measuring National OutputUnit 6 International Monetary Systems of the Twentieth Century(PartⅠ)Unit 7 International Monetary Systems of the Twentieth Century(PartⅡ)Unit 8 International Monetary Systems of the Twentieth Century(PartⅢ)Unit 9 International Monetary Systems of the Twentieth Century(PartⅣ)Unit 10 International Financial Markets (PartⅠ)Unit 11 International Financial Markets (PartⅡ)Unit 12 How Firms Issue SecuritiesUnit 13 Where Securities are TradedUnit 14 Introduction of Letter of CreditUnit 15 ImportCreditUnit 16 Money MarketUnit 17 Underwriting Inland Marine InsuranceUnit 18 Principle of Indemnity and Insurance InterestUnit 19 Other InsuranceUnit 20 ReinsuranceUnit 21 Forms of ReinsuranceUnit 22 Social InsuranceUnit 23 Types of Private InsuranceUnit 24 Principle of SubrogationUnit 25 Life Insurance and AnnuitiesUnit 26 Principle of Utmost Good FaithReference



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