
出版时间:2003-1  出版社:哈尔滨工程大学出版社  作者:张兰威  页数:587  字数:450000  


  本书是为高等院校食品科学与工程专业编写的专业英语教材。共分18个单元,内容包括食品营养、三大能量物质(蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物)的化学、食品工业涉及的主要操作、食品微生物、常见食品及加工,内容丰富,使用者可根据实际情况选取。  为了便于学习,每个单元分为精读与泛读两部分。精读部分给出了中文翻译、练习题,并附有参考答案。泛读部分与精读内容相对应,作为加深对精读的理解和补充,该部分仅给出了关键句子的解释。  本书可供大专院校食品科学与工程专业做英语教材,也可作为食品卫生等科技工作者学习专业英语的参考书。


Unit 1 Part A Food Nutrition Part B Nature of Nutritional ProblemsUnit 2 Part A Carbohydrates Part B Molecular Transformations of Starch and Protein During Twin-Screw Extrusion Processing of CornmealUnit 3 Part A Lipids Part B Dietary Fat and Disease:What Do We Know and Where Do We StandUnit 4 Part A Proteins Part B Enzyme-Modified Proteins from Com Gluten MealUnit 5 Part A The Food Processing Part B Basic Milk ProcessingUnit 6 Part A Pasteurization and Blanching Part B Freezing and Frozen-Food StorageUnit 7 Part A Liquid Concentration Part B DehydrationUnit 8 Part A Microorganisms and Food Spoilage Part B Food Preservation AlternativesUnit 9 Part A Microbiology and Fermented Foods Part B Microorganisms and BiotechnoligyUnit 10 Part A Other Microbial Products Part B Food Yeasts and DerivativesUnit 11 Part A Raw Milk Part B Dairy ProductsUnit 12 Part A Beef Slaughtering, Cutting, Preserving, and Cooking on the Farm Part B Meat and Meat ProductsUnit 13 Part A Eggs as a Functional Food Alternative to Fish and Supplements for the Consumption of DHA Part B SeafoodsUnit 14 Part A Raw Materials' Selection of Baked Products Part B Dough Making and Handing of Baked ProductsUnit 15 Part A Beverages Part B Soft DrinksUnit 16 Part A Principles of Food Packaging Part B Packaging EquipmentUnit 17 Part A Food Safety Part B Food Safety, Risks and HazardsUnit 18参考译文



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