
出版时间:2007-8  出版社:哈工程大  作者:赵琳  页数:544  


本学术论文集收集了100多篇导航制导控制的方面的优秀学术论文,内容包括航海航空导航,控制理论和应用,模拟系统的设计与实现。  本书可供相关专业的学者和专家们借鉴参考。


NAVIGATION & GUIDANCE  Simulation Software for a Low Cost Electronic Inertial Navigation System  Investigation of the Earth Gravitational Field by the Satellite Gradiometry Methods  Method  Research  on  GPS/SINS  Integrated  Navigation System Initial Alignment on Moving Base  The Application of Data Fusion To 1NS/GPS/TAN  Integrated Navigation System  An Application of GNSS/INU/DMAP Location and  Navigation  Technology in  Intelligent Transport Systems  Local-Area Satellite Navigation System (LNS)  Improved BP Algorithms Applied to Fault Diagnosisof Stabilized Gyrocompass System  The Application of Asynchronous Kalman Filter toIntegrated Navigation System  The Application of DGPS in Underwater Objects Tracking and Positioning System  The Application of the Baek-Progapation Neural  Network in the SINS/GPS System Malfunction Identification  The Accurate Modification of Coordinate of Celestial Bodies Based on Proper Motion  Self-Correction  of  Direct  Sensitive  MagneticCompass  Knowledge-based Scene Navigability Model ofScene Matching System  Fuzzy Federated Kalman Filter And Its Applicationto Integrated Navigation System  The Research of Identifying the Coefficients in thePlatform Drift Error Model  Application of Optimal Two-position Alignment inSINS Self-alignment  ……CONTROL THEORY&APPLICATIONSYSTEM MOKELING & SIMULATION,PATTERN RECOGNIZEPAPER UNAVAILABLE AT TIME OF PRINTING



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