
出版时间:2003-9  出版社:青岛海洋大学出版社  作者:王玉龙  页数:391  字数:351000  


chapter 1 general principles of writing  exercise 1chapter 2 the words  1 diction  2 extimation and building up of a vocabulary  3 words prefsrable for effectiveness  4 denotation and connotation  5 synonyms  6 chinglish,slang,archaism,jargon  7 idioms and idiomatic expressions  8 effective use of active verbs  9 formal and informal language  10 loanwords  11 figures of speech  exercise 2 chapter 3 the sentence  1 charateristice of an effective sentence  2 kinds of sentences  3 appropriate usage of various kinds of sentences  ……chapter 4 the paragraphchapter 5 the essaychapter 6 varieties of writingbibliograpy



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