
出版时间:1999-03  出版社:青岛海洋大学出版社  作者:姜德杰  


1 A Secret for Two
2 Job interviews
3 The Black Horse
4 Politeness in Britain
5 Ending the Homework Hassle
6 The Little Match-girl
7 Terry Pickens-A Newsboy
8 English Characteristics
9 Our Little Secret
10 Nuclear Energy: Pros and Cons
11 Thirty-eight Who Saw Murder Did Not Call the Police
12 Sleepwalking-Fact or Fancy?
13 How to Be a Patient Person
14 Andrew Carnegie
15 We'll Never Conuer Space
16 From Slave to Teacher
17 How to Impress Your Boss
18 l Have a Dream
19 The Girl in the Fifth Row
20 Colleges and Universities
21 How to Be Leader
22 The Real Sherlock Holmes
23 How Does Air Pollution Affect Our World?
24 Soul of A Champion
25 My Way to Success
26 New Facts About Breast Cancer
27 Reading to Your Children
28 What l Learned in the Shoe Store
29 American Family Life
30 Three Days to See
31 Reality Check
32 Inaugural Address of John F. Kennedy
33 Frustrations? Just Part of the Wutai Adventure
34 Cool Competitor
35 "Get Me out of Herel"
36 Some Facts and Figures About the United States



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