出版时间:2011-7 出版社:首都师大 作者:曲一线 页数:206
《5年高考3年模拟:高一英语(上)(含答案全解全析)》有以下特点:知识清单:这是千万老教师的经验,这是无数成功者的累积。这是最系统的归纳,这是最科学的设计。将学科知识设计成习题,便于你在练习中实现对学科基本概念、基本知识的理解和记忆,实践证明,这是进行基五年高考:这是新高考与新教材的无缝对接。高考试题,是多少命题专家的心血啊,是多少命题学者的汗滴。这是智慧的结晶,这是精心的设计,这是苦心的创作,这是优美的诗句。洞悉高考试题及命题规律就等于抓住了上帝的一只手,就等于揭开了上帝手中的谜底!热点例析:这是对教材精华的浓缩,这是对教材的精讲精析,这是点金拨雾的手指。当你透彻地掌握了教材知识,你就能以不变应万变,从容地面对每一次考试!课文对译:这是连接汉语和英语的桥梁,这是快速理解课文的通道。日月积累,你会发现,对英语的感悟已在潜移默化中发生位移。练习全解:这是对课后习题的精彩解析,这是一个无声的老师在陪伴着你。课后练习,这是一切试题的题源,高考题模拟题一般都是课后练习的变式,你要精心地去练习,探索个中就里! 基础过关:这是最基本的测试,这是夯实基础知识、巩固基本能力的基地。这也是你的第一关,你一定要努力努力再努力! 三年模拟:这是全国一线教师团结起来跟命题人的较量,是命题人不得不阅读的重要信息,也是命题人灵感的发源地。 单元测试:这是检测自我的后花园,这是提升能力的试金石,这是体味成功的目的地。 语言天使:这是从英美语言宝库中撷取的优秀片段,这是语言天使召集的聚会,这是文字女神编织的诗卷。请把这些语言融化成自己的语言吧,你也将成为语言的天使。
Unit 1 Good friendsUnit 2 English around the worldUnit 3 Going placesUnit 4 Unforgettable experiencesUnit 5 The silver screenUnit 6 Good manners期中测试Unit 7 Cultural relicsUnit 8 SportsUnit 9 TechnologyUnit 10 The world around usUnit 11 The sounds of the worldUnit 12 Art and literature期末测试答案全解全析
Grammar Exercise 1 1. Mary told Yang Mei that she was doing a biology experiment then. 2. Mary told Yang Mei that she was not free that day. 3. Mary told Yang Mei that she must/had to finish her paper that week. 4. Mary told Yang Mei that she would have to stay in the lab until the next day. 5. Mary told Yang Mei that she was going to write a report the next week. 6. Mary told Yang Mei that she had watched a very interesting TV programme the day before. 7. Mary told Yang Mei that she must/had to wait there that after- noon. 8. Mary asked Yang Mei if she would go to the lecture that after-noon. 9. Mary told Yang Mei that she had visited her teacher the day be-fore. 10. Mary asked Yang Mei who was going to study abroad the next year. Exercise 2 Sept 1, Monday Its my first day in senior high school. Mother told me to get up early. Father asked me to tie up my hair. I told myself not to worry too much. When I arrived at school, I ran into my friend Joanna. She said I looked great. ( 1 ) I asked her where she had spent her holi-day. (2)She said that she had gone to Shanghai and it had been wonderful. (3)She also asked me if I had enjoyed We went to the classroom for our first lesson. (4) Mr Yu asked us if we had had a pleasant holiday._ (5) Then he said that he wan-ted to get to know us, and he asked us to write a short description of ourselves. I wrote it in English. When Mr Yu read it, (6)he said it was well-written. After school I went back home. I told my parents about my first day in school. (7) They told me that they were proud of me. (1) I asked/said to her, "Where did you spend your holiday?" (2) "I went to Shanghai and it was wonderful, " she said. (3) "Did you enjoy your holiday?" she asked/said. (4) "Did you have a pleasant holiday?" Mr Yu asked us. (5) "I want to get to know you. Could you please write down a short descnption of yourselves, he said. (6) "Its well-written, " he said. (7) "We are proud of you, "they said to me. Exercise 3 1. Hu Ming, the manager says that they run that restaurant to make friends. 2. "We are unhappy about this, " the students parents said. 3. Hu Ming says, "A teacher has already told me that I should spend more time on study. " 4. "Running a business takes a lot of time, " all the managers say. 5. Liu Tao says that they dont have the money to hire enough wai-ters or waitresses, so they do most of the work themselves. 6. Another boy tells me that sometimes they have to skip classes to keep an eye on the restaurant. 7. "We are doing OK, " Liu Tao says. A news story Pal Restaurant is one of the many restaurants where people come to eat, drink, talk and enjoy music. It is different from other restaurants because its owners are a group of college students. "We run this restaurant to make friends, " says the manager, Hu Ming. But the students parents say that they are unhappy about this. "We cant stop them but we want them to put study in the first place. "Teachers do not support them, either. Hu Ming says that a teacher has already told him that he should spend more time on study. All the managers say that running a business takes a lot of time. "We dont have the money to hire enough waiters or waitres- ses, so we do most of the work ourselves, " says Liu Tao. "Some- times we have to skip classes to keep an eye on the restaurant, " says another boy. But Liu Tan says they are doing OK. Reading 1. C 2. A fair-weather friend will only like you when you are happy and popular; a forever friend is a true friend and will help you when you are in trouble. 3. List the characteristics of each kind of friend: A fair-weather friend only likes you when you are happy and popular, doesnt help you when you have problems. A school friend studies and plays together with you, sees you in school. A forever friend knows everything about you, always listens to you. 4. Sarah helped Janet overcome her shyness and deal with her classmates. Janet helped Sarah study math. 5. Various answers are possible. 6. You can make friends with people from other countries by readinge-pal/pen pal ads in newspapers or on the Interuet. 7. One of the advantages of having friends in other countries is that you can learn more about the world. You can also learn more about other languages and cultures. There are a few disadvanta- ges, including the fact that it can be difficult to he friends if you live far away from each other. 8. All the people around us could be our friends; friendship is a two-way relationship and it takes work and patience to develop a good friendship.
《5年高考3年模拟:高一英语(上)(含答案全解全析)》北京市语文特级教师徐克兴如此评价:5·3实为高考科学备考领军之作,集学考之精粹,成名世之奇书,有助于迅速提高考试成绩。北京市数学特级教师乔家瑞如此评价:谁选用了5·3,谁就选择了一条正确的复习道路:谁选用了5·3,谁就掌握了科学的复习方法;谁选用了5·3,谁就会取得理想的高考成绩。 让学习更有趣,让考试更容易; 知识清单——基础知识习题式完全归纳; 教材点拨——点拨教材难点疑点热点; 练习全解——全解全析教材课后思考练习; 五年高考——最新高考试题麻雀式解剖; 三年模拟——最新模拟试题淘金式精选; 智力背景——万篇素材发散式全面拓展。