
出版时间:2007-1  出版社:首都师大  作者:梁丽冰  页数:156  




The four BoyThe Three Little Pigs Jack and the BeanstalkLittle Red Riding Hood Lazy Jack The Donkey and His Band


  The Three Little Pigs Once upon a time there was an old mother pig. She had three little pigs. The three little pigs ate and ate. Then they danced and sang. The mother pig and the three little pigs lived in one house. The three little pigs grew and grew. They grew so big that they could not all get into thehouse. One day the old mother pig called the three little pigs. She said, "You are too big and fat to live in this house. You must each have a house ofyour own." "Where will we get so many houses?" said the three little pigs. "You must build them," said the old mother pig. "You must each build a good house. Thenthe wolf can not catch you."  ……



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