
出版时间:2005-2  出版社:湖南大学出版社  作者:黄衡田  页数:267  字数:213000  




PrefaceChapter 1  An Introduction to Practical Writing 1.1  Practical Writing as a Communication Channel 1.2  Criteria for Effective Writing 1.3  Concluding Remarks ExercisesChapter 2  The Writing of English Letter 2.1  The Structure of an English Letter 2.2  The Style of an English Letter 2.3  The Envelope of an English Letter 2.4  Writing Steps and Tips for an English Letter 2.5  Kinds of Letter Writing 2.6  Cormnonly-used Sentences in English Letter-writing 2.7  Notes 2.8  Notices 2.9  Posters 2.10  Announcements ExercisesChapter 3  Advertising 3.1  Introduction 3.2  The Structure of an Advertisement 3.3  Suggestions on Advertising Writing ExercisesChapter 4  Instruction Manual of Products 4.1  The Structure of an Instruction Manual 4.2  Language Features of an Instruction Manual 4.3  Samples of Instruction Manual ExercisesChapter 5  Commercial English Correspondence 5.1  The Structure of a Commercial Letter 5.2  The Layout of a Commercial Letter 5.3  Introduction to International Business Practice ~ 5.4  Samples for Commercial Letters ExercisesChapter 6  Essay Writing and Abstract Writing 6.1  Essay Writing 6.2  Abstract Writing ExercisesChapter 7  Resume Writing 7.1  Introduction 7.2  Possible Categories to Include in Your Resume 7.3  Styles of Resume 7.4  Suggestions on Resume Writing ExercisesAppendixBibliography




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