
出版时间:2004-1  出版社:廖兰玉、 王武 湖南大学出版社 (2004-01出版)  




UNIT ONE  1 The Campers at Kitty Hawk  2 Treading Lightly  3 Why Leaves Turn Color in the FallUNIT TWO  4 Which Way to Energy Utopia?  5 How Animals Know Which Way to Go  6 Is Everybody Happy?UNIT THREE  7 The Real Sherlock Holmes  8 The Deakliest of the Sins  9 The MonsterUNIT FOUR  10 More than Just a Shrine:Paying Homage to the Ghosts of Ellis Island  11 Leading Men  12 Farewell,My UnlovelyUNIT FIVE  13 Pages From the Life of a Georgia Innocent  14 Miss Brill  15 The Gift of Gift-GivingUNIT SIX  16 Super Mom in the Suburbs:A Cautionary Tale About How to Be Neat,Clean,Cheerful,Organized-and Friendless  17 The Time Keeper  18 Diogenes and AlexanderUNIT SEVEN  19 Cryptography on the Front Line  20 A Space Iliad:The Star Wars War:I  21 In Praise of FlatteryUNIT EIGHT  22 Prison of Socrattery  23 Sightseer   24 Definin Creativity for Everyone to See Wasn't Exactly Easy



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