出版时间:2000-12 出版社:上海外语教育出版社 作者:Matthew C Roudane
"List of illustrationsNotes on contributorsChronologyIntroductiN_MATTHEW C.ROUDANE1 Early Williams:the making of a playwright ALLEANHALE2 Entering The Glass MenagerieC.W.E.BIGSBY3 A streetcar running fifty yearsFELICIA HARDISON LONDRE4 Camino Real:Williamss allegory about the fiftiesJAN BALAKIN_5 Writing in“A place of stone”:Cat on a Hot Tin Roof ALBERT J.DEVLN_6 Before the Fall-and after:Summer and Smoke and The Night of the IguanaTHOMASP.ADLER7 The sacrificial stud and the fugitive female in Suddenly Last Summer,Orpbeus Descending,and Sweet Bird of YouthJOHN M.CLUM8 Romantic textures in Tennessee Williamss plays and short storiesNANCY M.TISCHLER9 Creative rewriting:European and American influences on the dramas of Tennessee WilliamsGILBERT DEBUSSCHER10 Seeking directiN_ BRENDA MUROPHY11 Hollywood in crisis:Tennessee Williams and the evolution of the adult filmR.BARTON PALMER12 Tennessee Williams:the last two decadesRUBY CON_13 Words on Williams:a bibliographic essayJACQUELINE OCONNOR14 The Strangest Kind of Romance:Tennessee Williams and his Broadway criticsJACQUELINE OCONNORSelected bibliographyIndex"