
出版时间:2001年01月  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:王萱  




Unit 1  1.Strength to Love  2.Strength to Love  3.ShameUnit 2  4.To Face Life With Courge  5.A Rife,an Ax and Bag of Corn  6.A Rifle,an Ax and Bag of CornUnit 3  7.My Place  8.Simple Secrets of Family Communication  9.About HeroesUnit 4  10.The First Piano in a Mining  11.How to Be an Employee  12.How to Be an EmpolyeeUnit 5  13.The First Piano Purchase  14.Henry VIII  15.Advertising and Public Relations:the Pretty PackageUnit 6  16.A Man Who Hab No Eyes  17.The God That Limps  18.I'LL Remember It in a MinruteUnit 7  19.My Mother's Hands  20.Don't Let Stereotypes Warp Your Judgments  21.The Man on the Street and Men on the MoonUnit 8  22 was there a golden age ?  23 an ltalian view of the U S canpus  24 life on other planets Unit 9  25 the leopold locked room(I)  26 the leopold lock romm(II)  27 the leopld locked romm(III)Unit 10  28 an essay on war   29 kearing from forewgn management  30 one of the greatest performing artists or all tine



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