
出版时间:1999-9-1  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:包延军,陆林  


1.Part One Focuses of English Grammar
2.Chapter1 Verb Tenses
3.1-1 Simple present
4.1-2 Present progressive
5.1-3 Verbs usually not used in any of the progressive tenses
6.1-4 Simple past and past progressive
7.1-5 Present perfect
8.1-6 Present perfect progressive
9.1-7 Past perfect and past perfect progressive
10.1-8 Simple future/going to
11.1-9 Using be about to and be to to express future time
12.1-10 Using be about to and be to to express future time
13.1-11 Futuir perfect
14.1-12 Tense sequence
15.Chapter2 The Passivr
16.2-1 Passive verbs and the by phrase
17.2-2 Using passive verbs in other cases
18.2-3 Passive verbs used as adjectives
19.2-4 Passive verbs with get
20.2-5 Using be used to and used to



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